Ch -12 Choices

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Delhi , India

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Delhi , India

6:00 pm

Black car .

Ja-janhvi . Ja -janhvi someone is following me .

No no Tani ...


A Men in black shoes

Sudden wave of pain shot in my head making a loud groan escape my lips .

I rubbed my hands on my forehead .

The fuck . Bandage ?

I jerked opened my eyes .

But closed instantly after bright light fell on my face

I slowly opened my eyes adjusting the light

I looked around .

I was on a bed .

Wrapped in blanket.

My eyes widened realising the surrounding I am not at my home .

Flash back started to hit me . I had an accident

No no it wasn't an accident it was planned.

I looked the room .

Black curtains .

Black wall .

Montone pictures.

Each and every thing in this room speaks  black .

I removed the blanket that was covering me . Only to get a new surprise .

Bandage around my wrist.

God's now how many cuts I got .

I would know once I have shower .

I walked towards the door , twisting the knob I tried to open it .

Locked . It was fucking lock .

Impressive that you still able to walk .

Loud and Deep voice came from behind .

I Shivered beacuse of the intensity of the sound .

I didn't need to turn back to recognise the voice .

Still I do turn back only to witness Him sitting on his chair  crossing his legs playing with a pocket knife and watching me with those predator eyes .

Holy moly . He was here from how long ? I internally asked my self

Sudden wave of realisation hit me making anger rushed in my veins. He is here it means he is the one who brought me here .

Today I will kill this bastard.

I looked around to find some sharp object .

Need this ? He asked showing me a knife .

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