Ch -7 Broke in " illegally "

197 27 8

Delhi , India


Closing my eyes I feel the wind hitting my face 

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Closing my eyes I feel the wind hitting my face  .

Cold breeze .

Dark atmosphere.

Black clouds but the buliding infront of me shone brightly

The lights from buliding making the surrounding shine and visible

But we know the the candle that lights the world , shines and makes darkness fade away , we find most darkness under the same candle itself.

The building hides the dark secrets same as the owner of it ,
Only the building does not annoy me as much the owner of this building does.

Ma'am will you , for god sake will you please tell me what are we doing here ? In this cold weather? Cody asked while rubbing his hands .

I ignored him  but he is right its 14 °C out here . Very cold .

Taniskha are you ready  i spoke through my ear piece.

Yes . It will take me 3 mintues to hack all the cameras . You will only have  15 mintues to find the file . After that all the cameras will start working. So - she paused and then - "be careful."

Hmm...she knows the possibility of the danger act we are gonna pull 

Taniskha is also envoled ? What are you two women planning ? Murder ?  Cody spoke gaining our attention

More dangerous then muder .

Well our plan is simple. I spoke talking to Taniskha and explaining everything to Cody

Simple ? Cody chuckled

You want to break into someone's company at midnight "illegally" to be specific The  Rajwanshi groups and hack all the cameras to find a file ?

Yes . You understood all .

Why ?

Because there is no other way to correct the mistake.

No - no ma'am I can bear your slap but I won't let you do this crime .

Well firstly, it's not me solo going inside you are coming with me
Secondly, I am just going to take the file i and signed .

What ? I am coming with you ? Inside ? He said horrified still not believing

Yes. Now shut up .

If you guys are done then inform me . Tanisha said irritated

I signed.

There is no chance that we can enter from the main gate  . We have to sneak from the back
There are 6 security guards at back. Each taking lap for 2 minutes which means of we have to enter inside the building it would be at excalty at every 2 minutes.

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