Ch -4 Deal

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(Play bitch boss song by doja cat in bgm on loop)

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(Play bitch boss song by doja cat in bgm on loop)

Mam you should not have gone alone . You knew it was so dangerous to go alone that to at night . In an unknown place - Cody said while walking beside me

I am fine Cody .

Still ma-

I glared at him andOne glare from me is enough to shut him up . I stopped on my track. And turned to face him .
He too did stop on his trace

Cody how many years have you been serving me as my P.A ?

His eye widened.

3 years 8 months ma'am

Hmm . I said walking towards him resulting him in moving back .

Remind me the part where i gave you permission to question me ?

He looked down . Still walking back .

Well the matter is . This PA of mine has seen me entering late at night yesterday and from that time all he is doing is questioning me about my whereabouts.

Where did I went ? Why did I went ? And blah blah

So you won't speak now ? I stopped walking .

He just stood on his place looking down.

Sorry mam.

Second thing Cody - Focus on the work for which we are here . This meeting is very important for me to start my branch in India.
I won't tolerate a single mistake.

And trust me Cody one single mistake and you will regret taking birth.

Okay ma'am it won't happen again.

I started moving towards the meeting room with Cody walking behind me .

The meeting of many officials high lawyers and attorneys and some powerful businessman.

Before I could enter i heard -

Hello Miss singhania.

I turned to look back .

Hello Mr mathur. I greeted him politely.

Mr mathur is a Corporate lawyer
He is excellent in his field. We met in London during one of his trials . That time I was just a trainee.

Well It would be a lie if i say I am not surprised seeing you here . Mr mathur spoke .

Well the place with most deadliest crime should have most feared criminal lawyer.. i said

Absolutely . He smiled.

Now if you excuse me Mr mathur.

Ya ya sure . He said stepping aside.

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