Ch -5 Ocen blue eyes

203 29 5


11:00 AM

Tick tak tick tak

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Tick tak tick tak

I looked at my watch ....

11: 00 am sharp

Ma'am we have reached , the car stopped...Cody said

I came outside my black limo ...

To witness the most beautiful buliding the name it self displays the reason for its enchanted beauty -

"Rajwanshi groups "

I started walking but stopped on my trace when I didn't find Cody bedide me I turned to look at cody only to see his jaws practically on floor and his toes stuck to the same place and eyes ogling at the buliding . I rolled my eyes looking at him

Cody ?

No response....

Cody? I snapped at him

Y-yes ma'am.

If you are done ogling a buliding then can be go inside MR CODY ?

He scratched the back of his neck and looked down embarassed and nodded his head ...

I looked at receptionist smiling at us

Ma'am how may I help you ?

We are here-

Oh Ms singhania this way ...

A unknown voice cut me off in middle making me turn towards the source of voice... Arjun Kapoor.

Mr Kapoor guided us the way....

We entered the elevator.

He pressed the 68th floor .





With the ting sound the doors of elevator opened giving us the view of a luxurious large office
More of a whole penthouse.

I looked back at Mr Kapoor he signalled me to go inside the the particular room .

Aren't you coming with us ? I asked him

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