CH-2 Bloodlust

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Faint Whimpers of pain ecohed the desserted alley

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Faint Whimpers of pain ecohed the desserted alley .

As I entered more into the alley the sound became louder . Louder Enough to send shivers to one's spine but did it bother me ?


After all this what I love ,
I crave for  -— Bloodlust  .

What do you expect from a bloodlust criminal?

I moved closer to witness a man hunged with chains and my guards pointing gun at him.

Although this man  is not in the state of escaping .

He has been chained since the time he was brought here which is almost to 56 hrs

I moved further and  camly sat on the chair .

He looked up as soon as he noticed my presence.

Visibly gluping.

Our gaze met .

In result it made him shiver and me smirk .

Welcome to my  hell.
I spoke loudly

Please kill me already. He spoke making my smirk grew wider

Tch .....Tch...No not so easily,
we are here to play a game. Just like you tried to play .

His eye widened thinking possibile things I am going to do.

Arjun ...I spoke .

Arjun came and stood beside me and handed me over a bottle of my customized acid .

Yes my customized acid which contains Sulfuric, nitric, hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, acetic acid, formic, phosphoric, phenols, and chloroacetic acid.

I pour the acid on his thighs .

He scremed. Making all my gaurds laughs.

His condition was satisfying me .
Blood pouring like river from his body . Several deep cut on his body . With the most dangerous cut on his thigh excalty where I poured the acid .

Call me insane but I am loving ever ounce of this

skin of his thighs melted making my heart feel relax.

He deserved it , all of it .

I looked at him again .

I won't ask the reason .

Please forgi-

Before he could complete I cut his tongue  with my royal dragger.

Blood splashed on my shirt and face

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