Ch - 20 Punishment

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[ Guyss i request to all to play "yeh tune kya kiya " on loop for best understanding. ]

Delhi , India

Rajwanshi grp

There was a slightly slow knock on the door

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There was a slightly slow knock on the door

Come in ,

My eyes expected to see Arjun but to my shock , Mrs Rajwanshi was the one who knocked on the door .

She never knocks on the door before entering and after the "you know what , fuck you " the pleasing words she used for me , i expected her to burn down whole building in anger .

She slowly started walking towards me . Her eyes shining and lips were curled into a evil smile . With one hand she holds the cup of coffee and other hand moves in rythymic motion while she walks in .

This is the first time she is smiling . For.Me.

What's wrong with her ?

She came near my chair and placed the coffee on my desk

Here is your coffee Mr Rajwanshi ; she spoke making me nearly choke by her sugar-dripping sweet voice .

Fuck .

I looked at the coffee and then back at her face .

What are you looking at Mr Rajwanshi , have the coffee . She said smiling more widely .

Now I am sure , definitely something is wrong .

This women can't be this sweet . This sweet ? heck she can't be sweet .

I will have it , after sometime ; I said in monotone not wanting to look at her face .

Tch .. Tch.. I made coffee for you - she paused and looked at me with so much love and dedication and you simply denied it . I don't even lift a glass of water for myself but still I made coffee for you with my own hands but you -

I looked at her face , her smile was no longer there and she turned around to leave . Shit . Did I just upset her ?

Come on agastya it's only about one coffee . She made it with love- wait did she say ? she made it with LOVE ? My eyes widened realising the words

Biwi ruk jaaiye ; the words escaped my mouth unconsciously , she was about to exit the office.

I will have the coffee . I said avoiding her eyes

Okay have it Naa and tell me how's it ? ; She asked while walking back no running back , her smile returned back .

I lifted the cup and the took the l first sip .

Fuck my life .

What the fuck is this ? I spatted the hilarious drink out of my mouth .

I started coughing

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