1. Fire people commit mass genocide: Part 1

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    "Welcome to the Southern Air Temple."

    They were inside a dome-like circular hall with a big statue of Avatar Yangchen in the middle, made of stone.

    "It is a pleasure to be here. My name is Akira." She bowed respectively at her airbending master.

    Akira was 12 years old, sent to The Southern Air Temple by her father-figure, Monk Adachi, to continue her airbending training and one day become a Master. Akira was infuriated at her lack of courage against Monk Adachi, but she was also slightly happy that she could explore the other places in the world. She had visited the other temples, but she barely remembered them since she was a child the last time she visited.

    "I am Monk Gyatso" her host replied with a smile

    She gave a fake smile to Monk Gyatso, she didn't blame him for her small predicament and wasn't going to be sour towards him about being at the foreign air temple for a long time. She also sensed that Monk Gyatso was a nice person

    "Please, let me take you to your room." Monk Gyatso Insisted, gesturing to her to follow him.

    Akira nodded and followed the Monk to her room, a place she would be staying for a long time. They reached her room and she thanked Monk Gyatso.

    "You will begin your training in Two days, I think that's enough time to get comfortable?" Gyatso asked Akira with an eyebrow raised

    "That's more than enough time. Thank you, Monk Gyatso." Akira replied, putting down her bag on the bed. Monk Gyatso left the room to give Akira some privacy and let her get settled.

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    Akira was in her bed. It was night-time, possibly midnight, and Akira was not able to sleep. She was disappointed in Monk Adachi for sending her to another Air Temple, she wanted to stay at the Western Air Temple and master airbending over there.

    Her thoughts were abruptly disrupted when she heard a commotion outside. She tiptoed to the window in the room and gasped, she had seen the most horrifying sight. Firebenders were everywhere, blasting fire in all directions. Akira couldn't believe it. All the nations lived in harmony, why was the Fire Nation suddenly attacking? Akira saw bodies drop to the ground. She had to do something.

    Akira knew that the Firebenders were going to end up finding the room she was staying in and end her the same way they were murderously killing all the other air nomads.

    Akira picked up her staff and started thinking while pacing around the room. She didn't know if they were going to burn this place to the ground, Or if they were going to kill the Air Nomads and leave, but she had an idea. There was a strong hope in her that the firebenders won't burn the place to the ground, they're not that bad right? She was going to hide in another room where the firebenders had previously attacked.

    Akira grinned at herself for her ingenious mind and left her room looking both ways.

    The hallways were eerily quiet in comparison to the abrasive sounds outside, only her footsteps could be heard. She held her staff closer to her in an attempt to console herself. A huge blast echoed the hallways and she concurred that the firebenders were inside the temple by blasting the doors.

    Akira had no idea how she could pull this off, she never explored the temple so she was going in random directions. It had been 5 minutes and Akira was surprised she was still alive.

    Her heart leaped out of her chest when she heard footsteps. They were distant, but Akira wasn't sure if her heartbeat could be heard by the person or not. There was only one way she could do this. She saw a room next to her and bolted in there as quietly as she could.

    Akira wasn't going to kill anyone. Even if they were a ruthless firebender. She saw the room had ropes, exactly what she wanted. She took them and wrapped them around her hand, she was going to tie the firebenders hand behind their back. There was only enough rope for one person, so she hoped she wouldn't have to confront many firebenders. Akira suddenly felt the presence of three people approaching the room, but before she could react.

    "Ah-ha, got you now, you pesky airbender."

    Akira was startled by the firebenders, three firebenders stood in front of her with evil smirks on their faces. Two simultaneous blasts were directed towards her and she jumped to the side.

    The rope she had wasn't enough for all three of them. She needed a new plan. Her mind is still not intent on killing them.

    One of the Firebenders charged at her and she picked up a glass vase next to her and hit it at his neck with all her might, the glass shattered and pierced his neck. The man fell to the ground and Akira could only hope he was alive. Another Firebender menacingly went closer towards her.

    The second Firebender threw a blast her way and she barely dodged it by rolling out of the way, her left shoulder got burned and she let out a gut-wrenching scream. She didn't even have time to think before another flame was sent her way by the third Firebender. She held her shoulder with tears streaming down her face. The Second Firebender was sent back when Akira shot a gust of wind so powerful he got knocked out.

    She decided she was going to tie the third Firebenders hands behind his back, she jumped and landed behind him and quickly tied the last firebenders hand. The Firebender protested, but she held the ropes and tied the most complex knot she knew. Removing the Firebenders helmet, she hit his head with her staff, hard enough to knock him out for some time.

    Akira peeked her head outside the room she was in and ran to the right side. The hallways smelt of burning flesh and screams shook the ground. She wanted to help, she knew the Air Nomads were trying their best and she had hoped they would win, but she was scared. She kept glancing in the rooms desperately looking for scorch marks or burnt bodies in them.

    She knew it was wrong.

    She should have helped them, she could have saved people's lives. But the nagging in her head that she might lose her own life stopped her.

     She finally stumbled across a room with a burnt body on the ground, bile rose up her throat but she pushed it down. The room reeked of burnt skin and she thought this would probably be a good place for her to wait out the attack. The closer she got to the body the more repulsed she felt by it. She pushed through, went to the bed and picked up the blanket from it. She went to the corner by the right side of the door and sat down, wincing in pain because of her shoulder. She slid down with her back against the corner and put the blanket on her head.

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    Two hours of hiding later she heard footsteps enter the room.

    Her heartbeat was so loud and she was trying her best not to shake. The footsteps seemed to get closer to her body and she was miraculously controlling her breathing.

    Then her heart completely stopped. Someone held the blanket on her head and took it off her.

    It was a Firebender.

    "Be quiet," He whispered to her so softly she could barely hear it.Akira was beyond confused but stifled a scream nonetheless

    "We are leaving in 3 hours, just double checking all the rooms, you're lucky I found you and not anybody else,"

    She nodded at him and whispered a thank you.

    The man gave her a small smile but it vanished as fast as it came. "Keep hiding here, do not move." He then proceeded to put the blanket back on her.

    She wanted to ask her savior his name, but it was too late.

    He already left.

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