5. A mad-man King traps us in crystal

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"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!"  Aang declared. "I used to always come here to visit my friend, Bumi."

"Wow! We don't have cities like this in the South Pole." Katara notes, sounding impressed.

"They have buildings that don't melt." Sokka adds. 

"Well, let's go slow pokes. The real fun is inside the city." Aang urges us to follow him.

"Wait, Aang, how about we don't go flaunting that you're the Avatar with those tattoo's of yours." I say. "Let's hide them."

"So, what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?" 

"Yes! Exactly that." I agree with Aang.

Sokka catches on to my idea and takes some fur from Appa. We make Aang a wig and a mustache with Appa's fur.

"Ugh, it's so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?" Aang asks Appa. Appa just growls. 

"Great, now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka crosses his arms. 

"Technically, he is 112 years old. And so am I." I tell him.

"Now, let's get to skippin' young whippersnappers." Aang says imitating an old voice. "The big city awaits."

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We were on the bridge going towards Omashu. I had visited Omashu once, a long time ago. 

"You guys are going to love Omashu. These people are the friendliest in the world." Aang tells us.

"Yeah, I visited Omashu once. It was so cool," I agreed

"Rotten cabbages?!" A guard questioned "What kind of slum do you think this is?!" He threw the cabbages in his hand off the edge and used his earthbending to make whole cart meet the same fate. 

"My cabbages!" 

"Nevermind." I took my words back.

"Just keep smiling." Aang smiled nervously. 

We reached the gate and the guard who had it out for cabbages levitated a huge boulder on Aang's head "State your business." 

Aang ran forward, more like glided, and poked the guard with his finger. "My business is my business, young man, and none of yours! I've got half the mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

We're about to join the cabbages.

"Settle down Old-timer, just tell me who you are." The guard said instead of throwing us off the cliff, like the cabbages.

"Names, Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, the third! And these are my grandkids."

"Hi, June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis." Katara says.

I catch onto what she's doing "And I'm.. Jude! Yeah, Jude Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. Nice to meet you." 

The guard points at both of us, "You both seem like responsible young ladies, make sure your grandfather stay's out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu," 

"Thank you, we will." I smile at him and we started walking 

"Wait a minute." The guard grabbed Sokka's shoulder and turned him around. "You're a strong young boy. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag!"

"Good idea." Aang threw his bag at Sokka

We turned around and saw a wall without a door, It suddenly split in half and a path to enter Omashu was opened. We went threw the path and saw Omashu, in all its prestige beauty. 

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