7. Sokka is captured by a panda

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"Those clouds look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down and you'd land on a big soft cottony heap." Katara was swooning at the fluffy clouds.

"Maybe you should give it a try." Sokka says sarcastically.

"You're hilarious."

"Wow, Sokka, that's a good idea." I jump off Appa and jump onto the cloud. I yelp when I go through it and water droplets instantly hit my face. I use my staff to land on the other side of Appa gracefully. "Turns out, clouds are made of water." I blow off all the water off me using an airball.

Katara notices something in the distance, "Hey, what is that?"

"It's like a scar." Sokka adds.

"I'm going to go check it out," I tell them. "Besides, I haven't spread my wings in ages." Pointing to my glider.

I throw my glider and jump on it mid-air. The closer i got to the 'scar' the worse I felt. I always have a feeling when something bad had happened to a place, or the people in a place. Like in the rig, I got a dark and hopeless aura from it. Just like this place. It felt as if something very bad had happened here. I squinted my eyes as I got closer to it, and noticed many charred tree stumps. I winced at the sight.

Appa landed close to me and Sokka, Katara and Aang got off.

"Listen. It's so quiet. There's no life anywhere." Sokka points out.

I noticed Aang's sad demeanor, "Aang, are you okay?"

Sokka kneels down and looks at the footprints on the ground, "Fire Nation! Those evil savages make me sick! They have no respect for-" Katara shushes him and points towards Aang.

"What? I'm not allowed to be angry?"

Aang falls to his knees, feeling the ashes under his hand. "Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?"

"Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you," Katara says.

"Yes, it does. It's the Avatar's job to protect nature, but I don't know how to do my job."

"That's why we're going to the North Pole, to find you a teacher." Katara tells him.

"Yeah, a waterbending teacher, there's no one to teach me how to become the Avatar. Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would help me."

"The Avatar before you?" Sokka confirms "He died over 100 years ago. How are you supposed to talk to him?"

"I don't know."

"You are the bridge between the Spirit and the material world." I tell him

"But, how am I supposed to get to the spirit world?"

"I don't know." I noticed an acorn on the ground. Of course, the acorns would grow and the forest would come back. Aang might not know how to get to the Spirit world to meet Avatar Roku, but this would cheer him up.

"Aang." I ask for his attention. I pick up two acorns behind my back and walk towards Aang. "I'm as sad about- Surprise Attack!" I throw the acorn at Aang and he rubs his head.

"Ow, that hurt. Are you trying to make me feel better? Because you're not good at it."

"Made me feel better." Sokka retorted and I threw an acorn at him too.

"Look, Aang. These acorns are everywhere. That means the forest will grow back. Every one of these acorns will one day be a tall oak tree, and all the creature that lived here will come back." I put the acorn in Aang's hand.

"Thanks, Akira."

Katara gasped and I saw her looking at a man. Sokka pointed at the old man. "Hey, Who are you?"

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