4. Some girls beat Sokka's butt

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Akari's POV

"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka asked Aang, annoyed.

"Well, I know it's near water." Aang replied.

"Great, we're getting close then." Sokka retorted, water surrounded us.

Katara was sewing Sokka's pants. I was looking at her work in interest, sitting next to her, since she was using a different type of technique .

"Hey Akari, Katara. Check out this airbending trick." Aang got my attention and he was spinning 2 marbles in a ring of air.

"Cool." I told him and looked back at Katara sewing.

"That's great Aang," Katara responded, focusing on sewing.

"But you didn't even look." He responded sadly and stopped his trick.

Katara looked at him "That's great."

"But I wasn't doing it now."

"Stop bugging her, airhead. you need to give girls space when they do their sewing." Sokka butted in.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara interrogated

"Simple. Girls a better then fixing pants then guys," Sokka continued not noticing Katara's anger rising with every word "and guys are better at hunting, fighting, stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things"

"I bet I could beat you in a fight." I teased Sokka.

"All done with you pants, and look what a great job I did." Katara sneered sarcastically, and threw his unfinished pants on his face.

I light out a slight chuckle at this.

"Wait, I was just kidding! I can't wear these Katara, please!" Sokka begged her "Akira do you know how to sew?"

"Sorry buddy, I think my hands hurt from meditating for 100 years." I smirked

"Akira, please!"

"Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants." Aang laughed

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"We just made a pit stop, yesterday." Sokka informed "Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"

"He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the north pole until spring." Katara agreed

"Wow, Katara and Sokka agreeing never thought I would hear that." I chimed. Both of them glared at me and I simply laughed at both of them

Even though I met Aang, Sokka, and Katara just yesterday, at the Air Temple, we all seemed to connect pretty quickly. I've never felt this way with any group of people.

"But, Appa's tired already, aren't you boy," When Appa didn't make a sound, Aang slightly nudged him with his elbow, "I said, aren't you boy?"

Appa gave a fake yawn and Sokka disclaimed "Yeah, that was real convincing. Still, hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster."

Aang ran forward towards the sea and pointed, "Look! That's why we're here, Elephant Koi!" He gushed "Akira, you've gotta watch me!"

Aang jumped in the water but airbendended up in the air and exclaimed that it was cold. I cracked a small smile while watching him swim. He went under the water and emerged out riding an Elephant Koi. I gasped and smiled widely.

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