2. Fire people commit mass genocide: Part 2

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    It had been several hours when Akira finally got the guts to go outside the room. The sounds subsided a few hours ago and a ghostly silence had settled upon the Air Temple. Akira slowly got up from her hiding spot and noticed the body, now having many flies buzzing around it. She went outside the room ignoring the smell of the body and once again pushing down the bile in her throat. She was partly surprised that the Fire Nation troops didn't burn the whole place to the ground but just killed everyone inside it, except her. Of course there were some places on fire but most of the fire had been alleviated.

    She went to the dome-like room that she had met Monk Gyatso in. She hoped Monk Gyatso was ok, she kind of liked the old man.

    "Hello! Is anyone there?" She squeaked in attempts to get a response

    No one responded.

    She mustered all of the strength she had to continue walking and see the destruction outside the dome-hall.

    Burnt Bodies. Everywhere.

    If the Firebenders found this temple, no doubt they would find the other too, a chill went down her spine.

    She was the last Airbender. Akira froze in her tracks when she remembered her best friend.

    She ran around everywhere looking for him, jumping over the corpse's of once great air nomads. Her ears couldn't hear anything except her blood pumping through her body, adrenaline flooded through her veins and suddenly she wasn't tired anymore. All she cared about was her best friend, if he was alive or not.

    She kept looking for him. Her hope was the only thing that kept her from collapsing that second. She was sobbing, but she didn't care.

   She wailed, and tears blinded her vision.


    Kenzo, Akari's Bison.

    He was dead.

    She screamed Kenzo's name as loud as she could, and was sure the Fire Nation could hear her from where she was.

    Her shoulder was still throbbing in pain, but she barely felt it.

    "No. No. NO. He's not dead, get a hold of yourself. Just keep looking around." She forced herself to keep moving and look around. She couldn't lose Kenzo.

    In the corner of her eye she saw many Bison's. She scrambled towards the corpses of the Bison's, hoping to see hers.

    Kenzo, Akari's black bison. It was a peculiar color for a bison, but she loved it.

    She needed Kenzo. Akari saw him.

    He wasn't charred and he seemed relatively fine, but he wasn't moving. She hurried towards him, her hopes were skyrocketing by now.

    A wide grin came on her face, but disappeared the second she checked his pulse. Did CPR work on Mythical creatures? Akari tried to give the bison CPR, but it didn't work.

    Kenzo really was dead.

    She fainted.

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    She woke up with a throbbing pain in her head and on her shoulder. She decided she would sleep it out. Before leaving she went and removed a small white pin that was on Kenzo's head.

    She groaned, got up and noticed her staff was missing. She retraced her steps and immediately found it. At least she had something she thought to herself bitterly. She went into the building and looked for the room Monk Gyatso had introduced her to

    When she was looking for a place to sleep she found the room where she fought the three Fire Nation. She peeked inside and saw that there was no-one there. She sighed in relief, they weren't dead, and continued walking. She could never imagine taking anyone's life, even if that someone was trying to kill her.

    Finally finding her room she saw her bag sprawled across the floor, its contents spilling out. The bed was destroyed beside it. She kneeled on one knee and started picking up all the things that weren't burnt. She managed to salvage a few things and in total she has; Her staff, Kenzo's white hair clip, her dagger, a necklace her best friend from the Western Air Temple gave her, a photo of her and Kenzo, and a change of clothes from the wardrobe.

    She closed the door of the room and changed, her shoulder hissing in pain. She decided that she would do something about her shoulder after she slept.

    Putting all she could in her bag and wearing her necklace. She picked up her staff with her right hand. She started roaming around the hallways to find a place with a bed that wasn't destroyed.

    After 20 minutes she managed to find a place to sleep, she laid down, but sleep didn't come to her. Her thoughts were plagued around Kenzo. She should have fought. She shouldn't have been such a coward. If she would've fought Kenzo could still be alive. Kenzo could be next to her, Kenzo could be alive.

    She sighed, got up straight and meditated. Meditation cleared her mind.

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