3. Meditating for 100 years

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(A/N - Akira is wearing the same outfit as Aang, except she has cut sleeves and yellow gloves that leave her fingers out.)

When Akira opened her eyes, she wasn't in the room. 

She was somewhere else.

"Hello Akira." 

Akira turned around startled and took a fighting stance. 

She immediately stood up straight and bowed when she saw who it was. 

Avatar Yangchen stood in front of her, in all her glory.

"W-where am I?"  Akira questioned 

"In the spirit world." 

"But how?" 

"You are more spiritual then many airbenders, I simply helped you a bit."  The Avatar explained "You have defended yourself bravely, young one."

"But- I- I was a coward. I couldn't fight against them." 

"You were no coward," She insisted with a smile. "You did what had to be done."

Akari's eye's were glassy and she was about to cry. "No. I'm weak." She declared "I couldn't defend Kenzo, I can't stop crying, I- I'm weak. And I just can't stop stuttering."

"No. You saved yourself. You saved yourself because you are necessary for what is about to come." 


Avatar Yangchen raised her hand to stop Akari 

"You are not weak, you are strong." She assured "You're crying because you have been strong for so long, not because you are weak."

Her words hit Akira like a truck. "You are just a child, don't be hard on yourself."

She looked down and nodded 

"It's time for you to go back,"


"You have been here for a long time, it might not feel so, but a long time." She stated with a ghost of a smile. "Don't be scared. You are strong." 

"Wait what? No, I nee-"

🌊 🌎 🔥 💨

Akira's POV

I suddenly gasped. I looked at my hands and they didn't look like they aged a bit.I winced in pain and hunched my back, it hurt a lot. I looked around the room and saw vines covering almost everything. It really had been a long time. Once again wincing in pain as I lifted my shirt from my shoulder 

My confusion was going beyond limits, how was I in the spirit world? I'm not the Avatar. The Avatar is the bridge between the spirit world and the material world, not me.  

"It's not impossible. I survived in that iceberg for so long."

I heard a boy's voice outside and I picked up my staff. 

"Good point."

I heard a girls voice and slowly moved towards the door. 

"Katara, whoever's in there might help me figure out this Avatar thing."

I silently gasped. Avatar? Was this boy the Avatar? 

I went out the door and followed the voices 

"And whoever's in there might have a medley of delicious cured meats." Another boy's voice spoke. 

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