8. We go into enemy territory

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I woke up groggily to hear sounds of complaint outside after a few seconds I came to realise it was Aang, I didn't understand what he was saying, but I could recognise his voice anywhere. I quietly woke Sokka and Katara up and they asked me what was happening.

"I think Aang is trying to leave without us to Roku's island." I whispered, informing them of his plan. We all tiptoed outside and saw Aang trying to pull Appa. "Let's go, Appa. Come on, boy! Look i'm sorry but Akira, Katara, and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt... I'd never forgive myself."

My hypothesis of him leaving was correct, I tiptoed to go up behind him and put my hand on my lips to signal Appa to be quiet.

"So, get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"


Aang screams like a little girl and almost send me flying. When he notices i'm the one that scared him he smile sheepishly and I raise an eyebrow. It looked like a majority of the village woke up because of the commotion, including the village leader.

Sokka starts speaking from behind Appa where the rest of the crowd is, "I think his big butt is trying to tell you something."

"Don't go Aang, the world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation." Katara pleads.

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku and-"

"And to find out what your vision means on the solstice, today, blah, blah, blah. We're not stopping you, we're coming with you." I float to Appa's saddle and help Katara and Sokka up. Aang smiles at us gratefully.

The village leader approaches us, "It is a long journey to the Crescent Island. You'll have to fly fast before having any chance to make it before sundown. Good luck."

"Thank you for your-"


Aang scrambles at the reins and we take off.

"Hey, Aang, Can I fly Appa?" I ask him. I was really missing Kenzo these days, and I wanted to fly a bison once again. Even though Appa wasn't Kenzo, he was close enough. From some unexpected way Appa and Kenzo were really similar, apart from the hair color of course.

"Yeah, sure." Aang grins at me and hands me the reins.

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"Come on, Appa, We need to go faster. We have a long way to go." I gently pat Appa's head. Thankfully, Appa listens to me and we start moving faster.

"Guys, we got trouble!" Katara points to a ship sailing in the water behind us.

"Yeah, and it's gaining fast." Sokka adds.


I groan, "Why does that psycho prince have to follow us? He's so annoying."

"Fire ball!" Katara shouts, I sensed the fireball and moved Appa to dodge it. Once I smelt the fireball going past us I basically barfed-not really- "Couldn't they try to shoot us down with something more fragrant?"

"We have to get out of Zuko's range before he shoots another Hot stinker at us." Katara says.

"Can't you make Appa go any faster?" Sokka asks Aang.

"Yeah, he can, but there's just one little problem." I look forward to see a blockade of hundreds of ships. There were two rows continuously moving.

"If we fly North we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade." Aang suggests.

"There's no time!" Katara shoots down the idea.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you guys to come. It's too dangerous."

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