9. Katara does some high-risk trading

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(A/N : Sorry, I'm a day late, hehe. Chapter 6 has had MAJOR adjustments. Aang finds out about Kenzo and Akira gets a flashback. I suggest you re-read chapter 6 so that it doesn't get a bit confusing later on.)

    "Would you sit down?" Sokka asks us. Aang was pacing on Appa's saddle, probably worried about Avatar stuff. "If we hit a bump you'll go flying off,"

    I raise my eyebrow, "Bump? Did you hit your head, Sokka?"

    "What's bugging you anyway?"

    Aang frowned, "It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements till that comet arrives."

    "Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending, and that only took you 112 years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by the summer." Sokka smirked.

    I glared at him and he backed off a little, "Sokka, have you ever attempted flying? You should try it, right now."

    "I haven't started waterbending and we're weeks away from the north pole! What am I going to do?"

    "Calm down, it's going to be okay." Katara pulls him to sit down next to us, "If you want I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know."

    "You'd do that?"

    Katara nods, "We just need to find a good source of water first."

    "Finally, I haven't done any training in 100 years." I stretch and hand the reins to Sokka. "Follow me!" I take off using my glider and find a place with a lot of water, preferably a waterfall. I spot a huge tranquil place with a huge waterfall and land down, Appa soon in pursuit.

    "Nice puddle." Sokka said sarcastically.

    Appa did a belly flop into the water and soaked Momo who was sitting on a rock closeby. I laughed, "Appa seems to agree."

    "Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" I turned around to find Aang undressed in his underwear ready to join Appa in the water.

    Katara reminded him, "Remember the reason we're here."

    "Oh, right. Time to practice waterbending." Aang started wearing his clothes and I moved to a shady spot to meditate a little before training.

    "Great. So what should I do?" Sokka asked

    Aang picked up a tree branch from the ground, "You could.. clean the gunk out of Appa's toes."

    "So, while you guys are playing with water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a bison's feet?"

    I grin, "Mud and bugs!"

    Surprisingly Sokka didn't put up a fight, "Okay."

    I went up to the side in the shade and sat down, meditating. I focused on my breathing and felt the world around me blur into silence. The key to meditating was to focus on only one thing. Breathing.

    I opened my eyes for what felt like a few minutes after and looked to see Aang and Katara's progress. He seemed to be catching on quickly, good for him. I got up and stood 5-10 feet away from a tree. "I'm sorry, tree. You might get hurt today."

    I took a deep breath in and sent an air slice at the tree. The tree broke in half like a twig and was about to fall on Katara and Aang but I stopped it. I created a tornado of air around the tree. I launched the tree to the waterfall so that it wouldn't distract anyone doing what they were doing.

    I smiled sheepishly at Katara and Aang, "Sorry!"

    Katara just sighed and continued teaching Aang. I looked back at the remains of the tree on the ground. The stump was not that finely cut, as I could before, but it was good. Not good enough, though.

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