6. Katara goes to jail for earthbending

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"Okay, wait, I think I got it." 

Aang was showing me how to make an airscooter and many tries later, I felt a bit more confident. 

I followed the movements Aang made, I gasped in surprise when I saw an airscooter was made in front of me. I was about to ride it but Sokka came out of nowhere. "I got food!" 

I yelped and lost control of the airscooter and it almost hit Aang, but he jumped out of the way and landed gracefully down. 

"You better have something good, Sokka." I glared at him.

Sokka laughed nervously "Uhmm. First, round nuts and some kind of oval nuts, and some rock shaped nuts, that just might be rocks. Dig in."

Katara picked up two nuts. "Seriously, what else have you got?"

"I am going to kill you, Sokka." I glared at him. 

Before I could tackle Sokka, a tremor shook the earth. "What was that?" 

Another one shook the ground, "It's coming from over there!" Aang pointed out. 

Katara, Aang, and I started running towards the huge booms when Sokka tried to stop us by saying, "Shouldn't we run away from huge boom, not towards them?!"

We hid behind a tree trunk that had fallen and saw a boy earthbending boulders. 

"An earthbender!" Katara looked in awe. 

"Let's go meet him" Aang said, but Sokka disagreed. "He looks dangerous, so we'd better approach cautiously." 

"Sokka, We have the Avatar and two benders on our side, I think we can take him." I retorted.

Before we could say anything else, Katara went up to the boy. "Hello, there. I'm Katara. What's your name?"

The boy looked at her like he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't and ran away. 

"Nice to meet you!" Aang shouts. 

"I just wanted to say hi." Katara frowns.

"I'm sorry, Katara. But not everyone talks to random strangers." I inform her and she sighs. 

"Hey, that guy's gotta be running somewhere. Maybe we're near a village, and I bet that village has a market." 

"Which means, no nuts for dinner!" Katara finishes for Aang. 

"Hey, I worked hard to get those nuts."

I point at Sokka and glared at him "You got off easy." and I ran behind Katara and Aang.

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Turns out Aang was right, there was a village. Aang was trying to buy a hat for some nuts and I was looking to find a place where we could buy some food. Not like there wasn't an abundance of that, I was still looking around. Somehow Aang managed to get the hat at the prices of some of Sokka's nuts.

Katara walk-ran into a store with a smile on her face, and Sokka, Aang, and I curuiously followed her. We went inside a little shop with a few things to sell. There was an old lady behind the counter and the earthbending boy infront of her. and seeing the similarities between the boy and the old lady, she was likely his mother.

"Hey, you're that kid. Why did you run away before" Katara asks.

"You must have me confused with some other kid." the boy responded 

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