My New Favorite

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Tori's POV:

It's warm and it smells really good. One of the smells would be the strange man called 'Jay' but the other scent, I wasn't familiar with. There was something padded and soft underneath me and I could hear something coming from another area. Usually, I wouldn't be able to hear that far. It's probably the fact Corrina and I aren't apart anymore.

I opened my eyes feeling weirdly well rested and energized. A feeling I haven't felt for some time. That smell made my stomach grumble. My stomach! Looking down, I pulled my shirt up only to see a normal stomach. No scars, no scratches, no blood. I guess I have faster healing now. What time is it? Sitting up, a smooth texture fell down over my legs, and I shivered from the cold air moving over the top half of my body. A blanket? Where am I?

Standing up, I softly padded to where the sound was coming from and peeked around the corner. Standing there was Jay in front of something that was steaming and making a popping noise. Whatever it was smelt amazing and made my mouth water. Going back and grabbing the blanket, I wrapped it around myself before I started tip toeing back to Jay.

"You'll have to do a lot better than that to sneak up on me." He chuckled, not even turning around to look at me. Either he's really good or I'm really bad. Maybe I need to practice it more if Jay doesn't mind. Wait, this is the first time I've heard him laugh. It sounded good... It makes me happy. While thinking, I failed to notice that he had turned around and was now leaning against the counter. He wore a bright orange hoodie with a K on it and a pair of jeans with his signature boots. To say he didn't look tasty would be a lie.

"Will you teach me, Jay?" I asked, peeking beside him at food in a skillet being cooked. I looked at him instead of the mouthwatering smelling meat in the skillet.

"Yeah. You're my equal but I need to know I can trust you first." He hummed, switching from eye to eye. His eyes are beautiful. When it's just him, they are more of a gray than blue but when his wolf is present, they are more of a blue then gray.

"Okay." I whisper, glancing back at the meat. I'm hungry but I know to wait for meals instead of asking. People don't like that.

"You hungry?" He hummed, probably watching me eye the meat with drool practically flowing from my mouth. At that question though, I tensed and looked back masking my emotions. I remained quiet but smiled and looked around.

"You're eating either way. We're gonna eat, get dressed, and head to the meeting room all within the next forty minutes. Sound good?" He asked, turning back around and taking the food off the skillet and setting it on two different plates.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at it while swallowing the saliva that had gathered in my mouth.

"It's just a meeting to figure out what happened and where our next steps are going to go. We're on a time limit with him knowing we have you all." I stared at the food for a moment with confusion before it clicked that he wasn't talking of the food at all but the meeting. I couldn't help but laugh quietly, a wide smile brightening my face.

"No, silly man. What is the food called?" I asked again, making my question clearer. He turned, face blank, before his ears got a little red and he smiled a very handsome smile. He walked over, sitting my plate down in front of me and taking his own plate to his seat.

"It's steak. You've never had any?" He asked, watching me like a hawk, like if I said no, which was the truth, he would die of pain. So instead of saying no, I just shook my head no and he groaned before leaning forward.

"Try a bite. It came from an Angus cow." A cow? I've never seen a cow but I've heard of them. Sitting forward, I stabbed the thin steak and took a bite. There was no pink, there was no fat, and most of all there were no chewing or soggy parts. This is amazing. I moaned and danced from happiness and took another quick bite. I could hear him laughing but I didn't care. This is good. Too good. My new favorite food type of good.

When I was finally done shoving my mouth, I looked up to see him already done and waiting for me to finish. His face was blank but his eyes seemed troubled and all the sudden I just wanted to play with his hair or scratch his back to make him feel better. What's going on in his head?

"Time to go get dressed. I set a pair of jeans, one of my t-shirts, a pair of socks, undergarments, and a pair of boots that should fit you in the bathroom." Then he was up taking my plate and walking to the sink, not saying a word or sending even a glance my way and for some reason, that hurt more than any punishment I've ever had.

The Experimental Mate (in editing process)Where stories live. Discover now