Defending my father

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So I confronted this guy on behalf of my father, because my father couldn't work a computer even if he didn't have dementia so I had to do the talking and I said you get the fuck away from the family get the fuck away from the husband husband doesn't like daughter obviously doesn't like you and stuff like that and this is what came out and I this is the first time I ever use the word c*nt! I put an Asterix where the obscene world would be, but that's basically what I started saying I was not happy for the simple fact as that this guy said no you cannot stop true love I was I'm just getting sick thinking about this and then I should back off and put my nose and dirt and stuff like that or I was gonna be slowly dismembered to death. I think that was a terminated. Fuck you see you next Tuesday! as I said, I only use the correct spelling of this word with the Asterix were certain limitations because it's a very very obscene word, but what my mother was doing was more obscene to my father. I couldn't let this happen any further, or let him have the delusion that he was still happily married. He should know the damn according to the human charge of the UN as well as the rise of freedoms and the constitution of the US to have the ability to know what the fuck is going on everybody dies and he needed to know that his wife was fuck around and I unfortunately had to be the passenger my father did whack me over the head but human cesspool that my mother was cheating on my father with was saying oh I want to go in this memories so slowly that you will feel everything that was just played in my my opinion that's what I started to make calls to the FBI, RCMP,and  Interpol I did not like having to do that but it had to be done. I wish I was lying about this but I'm not.
The fact that I had a fend for my father, not because of his disability, but because of the fact that he was my father figure and my boss Bess in the yakuza world I had a fan for him, protect him and Subway and if I had to say to the guy after he threatened me with this, fuck c**t. You know I was bound and determined that I had evidence for the FBI, RCMP, Interpol, and I was not actually happy about having to talk to them!
I don't like using this word, so I'd rather not mention this guy ever again if I can help it, but it was getting to the point where soon enough I was gonna have to make a decision. I was gonna have to stand up on behalf of my father elsewhere and live elsewhere and try to live a better life instead of living this toxic stress it was going to Cosby eventually cause me DID, associative identity disorder that being said, I was not happy about the whole idea that the last time I switched I think it was 2021 and it was bubbles! That said I was not exactly tickled but I was the last time I swear that I could actually feel it coming on, but this had to go the stress and this had to go this lifestyle of pulling my hair out constantly, and wanted to scream and swearing, choke my mother out!
So I made the executive decision to have to move out and never be seen again by my family except my my brother John that said, I was very talkative to him about telling him about the poop loop that had happened. He was not surprised when I mentioned that my mother was Talking to a JihadFreak! I told him that he ended up saying that she called him the r and stupid and ugly and all kinds of stupid stuff when she was about around my age now and it was pretty mean and viciously she was saying I know why she also had an in for Brian, my other brother that I'd rather not talk about Brian is the shithead that's coming up next so I didn't know what to think about the idea of my mother anymore and I certainly told her on the phone that I did not want to visit visit her in hospital or see her or live with her forever again that being said, I was very irate and angry and I guess I still am to stay because it's important that I acknowledge these feelings. What really takes me off? Is it just cheating or the fact that she was talking to a terrorist? She was doing all this in front of me who is hyper vigilant has PTSD from terrorist attack bullshit related terrorism. That being said I was not very I just can't stand fucking talking about this.
The idea that she was talking to someone in front of me instead of my father disrespecting, his name disrespecting these 3000 people that died on 911 the people that fought for our freedoms and the fact that she made a mockery of my battle by just talking to this asshole in front of me was enough for me to scream at this time at the top of my lungs, and rip my skin off ! 

You know what I did, and I did this I had to make the decision to go somewhere else because it was getting to Robert and for me if you get my draft if I was to stay at that place any longer I would've puked and I seen that place again I would've puked I am still obliterating to this day Eddie say that is related to my mother I'm getting rid of. She deserves nothing from me.

The girl who should've been left at airport security |memoir 1|completeWhere stories live. Discover now