Avoiding contact

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Where my mother ended up having Facebook again after she recovered from her six months incident I was taking her back completely and I was not happy with the idea of her being on Facebook as this Jericho is still around if you know what I mean, so I ended up freaking out, and I almost called the colloquial three as I called them the FBI RCMP, and I was scared that my mother was sick this guy on me, so I was trying to avoid contact with her at all cost. I mentioned this to my aunt telling her that this psychopath should not be on Facebook and other things like that I can't believe I'm saying this about someone who is dead but anyways, this is basically what she did in life so I did not make the opportunity to try to talk to her. I just blocked her and told everyone I'm not to go near that particular account because it could have the same guy on it as well. That being said, I was very frightened that I stayed up most of that night and I was taking back the other time I was taking it back by this was what I was seriously scammed! That being said I'm not happy about the idea of having her on Facebook but ended up blowing up at my mental health worker Cassandra Thompson at the time and I said this is what fucking happening and stuff like that and then she shouldn't have a right to be on Facebook already kind of social media or Internet. That being said, I did not take the opportunity to know her better even at that it was just something I try to avoid. I was thinking, changing my full name legally to keep her away from me so for media wise, the block button was still mystery to me at that time, so I didn't really think of that so I Just change my name, but I didn't know what I change my name to then I had to use a different language from Google translate and everything else to avoid her coming back to me. I was so scared at the time!
What I didn't know was that she was actually learning her lesson not that she was in prison or Guantánamo Bay but she was learning her lesson that what she did was awful and horrible and then she was paying the ramifications that don't involve prison that kind of pissed me off that she was not put into rendition! Because of her terrorist ties that being said, I was very angry and very upset I was like why the hell is she in Guantánamo? Why isn't she not in Randian or somewhere where she can be actually bugged up and told not to do this ever again why not that I was scared for the idea that she might be talking to another jackass online or that she was still talking to the same from Burkina Faso that is not my idea of a good time. I remember this because it was Halloween what a Halloween scare. It was, indeed, was indeed.
As I was trying to avoid contact I was still not trusting people at the time this is still what I moved into the group home. This was 2020 and I was wondering why is she bothering me on Facebook when I mentioned explicitly to my aunt and brother that she should not bother me at all unless you wanted to get culled! And I'm sorry to have said that but that is basically the truth is she was gonna have the police on her or I was going to do a lot worse than that. I don't know how explicit and how clear I could've been that time where they said no she will not be on Facebook and I said she better not be. I didn't think anything over there at the time. I don't know where this came from at the time who created it? Probably someone who is trying to mess with someone from my past or was it the guy or was it really my mother? I didn't know I didn't wanna know at the time, so I just tried my best not to bother with this situation so I changed my name times on Facebook until I settled on one that being said, I was still scared for my own safety because if she could find me so could this and I was afraid that I was going to happen all over again when I mentioned this to the staff at my group home, they were concerned as well, so they said just block her if it's gonna be an issue that was one thing if anything else happens we'll take legal action stuff like that. I didn't want to hear but it had to be said and done and told. I don't think she ever was supposed to be allowed on Facebook if she did not have The right to even be in a marriage! if you can't handle a marriage, you certainly can't handle. I think that being said she was not faithful to my father as I have mentioned before and no one really thought of that she would have Facebook again. I thought I was hoping that she would die a slow, painful death something I wish never on anyone else.
But when I saw that friend request, I was frightened shitless! and that is the honest truth I was not particularly tickled that she was on Facebook. That being said, I tried my best to avoid the Facebook at that time trying to use different profile pictures and work my face and other things like that are basically basic Internet safety techniques that I should know by now, but anyways, beside the point I had to change a lot of things because of her being on Facebook that frighten me so badly just the idea of her being on Facebook again frighten me!

The girl who should've been left at airport security |memoir 1|completeWhere stories live. Discover now