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I held my nephew jr in my arms as I posed for the "Perfect" rakim said as he snapped the photo

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I held my nephew jr in my arms as I posed for the "Perfect" rakim said as he snapped the photo.

I giggled and held jr in front of me kissing him. He's so adorable I swear he makes me want to have a baby with Demetrius.

"We got to print those out soon, I'm put them in a frame".

"We'd get those done"

I could tell jr was tired so I Begin rocking him. "Do you think I'll be a good mom?" I asked Ra as he looked at me shocked.

"Y-yeah years down the line.....why are you asking me this?".

Why would he say that he knows why he knowns. I don't have parents he's always been like a mom and dad to me.

"My fault, of course you would I'm just trying to take all this in your proposal...talking about family.....I can't believe your not a little girl when our parents died I made a promise to myself that I will always going to protect you be there for you I just don't want to fell like I failed you....". He had his head down while his hands were together as he continued to explained.

"You never failed me you always been there I know mom and dad would be so proud of you bro- you raise an amazing sister look what you're raising now a son" he cracks a smile.

"I love you sis I love you to death, maybe I need to give meech slack".

"Yes you do" we both laughed.

"But yeah you'll be an amazing mother.....but do you think meech".

"Of course meech would" I said laughing.

"I'm playing I know my bro going to be a good dad one day".


"Meech, this is my friend Trina....Trina this is my fiance meech" they both shook hands.

"Ain't you the one that had my girl hanging out with a nigga ".

"Excuse me, nah she did that on her own....".

"Mmmmm okay" he then look away looking around I cleared my throat.


"Like your dress " I said.

"Thanks boo".

"Oh girl let me introduce you my home girl"

The girl then came meech seem uncomfortable he walked away I didn't know why she looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Tamara, this is the new girl I met a few months back she's real cool her name Ashanti "

"Hi nice to meet you" I shook her hand.

"Can you excuse me for a minute I'm finna go check up on meech"

"Yeah go head boo" Trina said.

"Are you okay you seem uncomfortable".

"Yea I'm good just ready to go home" he told me.

"Okay tell the girls bye"

"I'll be in the car waiting" he leaves out the door.

I went back to the girls.

"I gotta go I got some things to take care".I told them.

They laughed.


"I do".

"Girl we know meech told you he's ready to go because he's uncomfortable".

"Uncomfortable?" I replied.

They both look at each other and giggled.

"See you later".

I left out the house upset I wondered what was that about. I went inside the car.

We soon made it to the house meech unlocked the door he walked to the liquor mini bar poor himself a drink as I went over to check the phone to see if I missed any calls I did I checked the voicemail.

Messages from, terry...Mr flentory......my job interview at the  bank I quickly ended it.

I slowly turned around saw meech looking at me. "It's not what-"

"It seems like it to me damn why can't you let me take care of you why you gotta be hardheaded" he told me as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god" I left out the living room went to the bedroom to change out my clothes.

Meech kept talking.

I was getting annoyed lord I should've never picked up the phone.

I didn't waste anytime on arguing with him I learn that with him it didn't solve nothing.

He came inside the room change his clothes I put the pillow to my ears blocking his voice. "Ugh meech please I'm trying to go to bed".

He finally stops comes lays down. "Why can't you let me take care of you".

"I am but baby I want something of my own".

"You're about to be my wife soon, I don't want no wife of mines working you understand" he says  pulling me into his arms.

"Yes" I replied.

"Good girl" he then kisses me.

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