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"why you got me and my baby wearing these bright ass colors like it's Easter?" Meech question as he held her

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"why you got me and my baby wearing these bright ass colors like it's Easter?" Meech question as he held her.

"Meech please-" Today we are doing our first family photoshoot I am so excited.

Y'all good?" Meech friend Derek says holding the camera as he waits for us to pose.

"Yeah man" I wrapped my arm meech as the other held Dementria .

I smiled and he mug I looked at him "c'mon smile you always mean mugging".


"Please babe"


"Got it beautiful"

I giggled.

"Alright, can you snap her by herself"

"Yes just sit up on here".

"Don't drop my baby".

"Our baby" meech quickly says.

He took her photos while she was sleep it was the cutest.

I'm taking this mom thang serious meech put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "Look what we created, she's precious".

"Isn't she" I replied.

After our photoshoot meech paid Derek gave him dap before leaving.

We then went to the flenory's. Meech went straight to his old room to change his clothes he wasn't feeling it.

Me and Mrs flenory sat on the couch talking while Mr. Flenory was up walking around with Dementria.

"He wasn't feeling the photoshoot but we were she was quiet and sleep but we took good shots".

"That's good" meech came back out went to the fridge grabbed a sprite.

"Ashanti let me keep demetria for two days You have been doing  a lot with her I know you want to go out and enjoy yourself ".

"Sure, thanks Mrs flenory " I hugged her.

"You're welcome " she said as she rubs my back.

"Demetrius, spend time with her don't be a lot doing god knows what I'm serious she birth a beautiful baby girl at least you can do is spend time with her not just give her money because that's not spending time".


"I guess we should get going" I got up and walked out the door as meech follow behind me.

"You don't have to I'll go out hang out with Trina"

"No no he's right let's go out tonight ".

"No it's fine you can go make your runs".

We got inside he cranks up the car.

I could tell what his father said pissed him off. I lean over ans kissed his cheek. "babe it's cool- I'm going to be fine just drop me off I'll have Trina pick me up".

"You sure don't be bull shiting"

"I am not baby".

"Okay" he drops me off I went ahead and called Trina as she was on the way I got dressed into something sexy.

I heard a horn peeping from outside I knew it was Trina I step out it was her and Tamara.

"Hi boo get in the car".

I got inside the car she drove off we went to a mini bar.

"Girl, that baby got you thick thick"

"Yeah because you were a pack of bones" Tamara adds as she giggled.

"Oh wow t " Trina says sipping her liquor.

Is she body shaming.

"Just saying probably why he was at the club all the time having girls shaking their ass at him".

"Tamara stop you're doing to much".

"For real I've done nothing to you for you to treat me like shit- that doesn't fades me at all I know them girls doesn't mean nothing to him I'm the love of his life we're engaged and we have a beautiful daughter  please let me excuse myself". I walked out crying.

"Ashanti!" Trina yelled out as she came out the club.

"I've had it with you- I've been nothing but a good friend to you two"

"It's not me I swear"

"Look it's best for us not be cool anymore" I told her.

"Damn it's like that bitch?"

"Yes it like that bitch" she then pushes me.

I was shocked then I snapped out that shookedness and pushed her back.

"Bitch let me go" she yells out as I pulled her hair slamming her to the ground.

I punched her "stupid bitch"

I then felt someone pick me up. "Yo Ashanti, chill" Terry says as he walked me away put me in the car.

He got in the driver's side and drives off. I turned to the side and cried my eyes out.

I was so embarrassed and hurt I thought they were my friends.

"It's okay".

" them bitches are so fucking rude".

"Can you tell me what happened ".

I told him what happened he couldn't believe it. "You're one of the nicest girls I've ever met them girls lose a good friend that's their lose not yours".

"True please don't tell meech about this okay".

"I won't" I took my lashes off and placed them inside my purse.

He drove me home he parked the car. "Thanks"

"You're welcome ".

"Hey can I asked you something "


"How did you know I was at the club"

"I was next door dropping something off I heard a similar voice that's when I saw you beating that girl ass I was like oh shit " he says laughing.

"Thanks again ".

"Anytime Mike Tyson ".

I giggled. "Bye Terry"

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