I so wish you still loved me,
You can have my heart for free,
24 years pining has left me tired,
Im alone with thoughts undesired,
I still can't fathom how I lost sight of us,
And I'm too scared to request we discuss,
Our past that was so problematic,
I guess present day smiles are more emphaticI so badly wish to hold you tight,
All these years have been a lonely fight,
I loathe myself for losing your love,
So my nights are filled with prayers to above,Hoping and wishing for signs you still care,
We could still be that merry magical pair,
I know my feelings for you will outlive my soul,
You are the other half that makes me whole,It hurts being so many years beyond your touch,
My heart and mind ache for you too much,
How can I care for such a rare flower?
When life itself costs so much per hour,I was ill prepared our first go round,
I'm even less so now living close to ground,
Love alone could not sustain our relationship,
Your trajectory aimed high I lost my grip,Time keeps ticking and I'm all alone,
My brain stops my fingers from using the phone,
To beg for forgiveness and one more try,
Start things a new, not based on a lie,I suffer in silence, God damn it stings,
Hope I don't have to wait for what the next life brings,
So let these words be a salve to your heartache,
Let's reunite for a much needed second take.~Farls Tokley
Lovelorn Lad
PoetryWARNING: A few of these poems are not suited for children. The following is a collection of poems that are a fair representation of feelings I had and have for a special person or two. As well as a few scattered memories of one night interludes.