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This was requested by miuthegenius!

The other five members of the choir seemed to avoid Jane like the plague. It wasn't hard to see why. Her appearance alone was enough to strike fear in the hearts of those around her. Her short blonde hair seemed to give off a menacing glow in the dimly lit room. Her black eyes held a certain intensity that made people uncomfortable, as if they were being watched by a predator. And her pale white skin gave her an otherworldly appearance, almost like a porcelain doll come to life. But it wasn't just her appearance that made the other choir members uneasy.

Jane carried herself with an air of mystery and unpredictability, never quite fitting in with the rest of the group. While the others chattered and laughed, she remained silent and distant. And when she did speak, it was always in a low, almost whisper-like voice that sent shivers down the spines of those around her. It was clear that she marched to the beat of her own drum, and the rest of the choir just couldn't seem to understand her.

The doll like girl began to get bored and agitated as she's been left alone. The choir has been here for perhaps two or three days by now, the choir members still tend to keep their distance from Jane regardless. Jane stayed sat in the corner of the dark room, her blonde hair falling in loose waves around her face. Her black eyes scanned the room, taking in the few people from school who were sitting on the other side. They were laughing and chatting, completely unaware of Jane's presence in the shadows.

Feeling isolated and alone, Jane's mind began to wander to more provocative thoughts. She couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement as she thought about the possibility of being caught in such a vulnerable position.

Without a second thought, Jane's hand slowly made its way down to her lap, her fingers lightly tracing over the fabric of her jeans. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh as her mind filled with images of forbidden pleasure.

As her arousal grew, Jane's touches became more urgent and deliberate. She could feel the heat between her legs, and her body yearned for release. But she couldn't bring herself to make a sound, afraid of drawing attention to herself.

Lost in her own world of desire, Jane's body began to move in a rhythm of its own. Her breaths were shallow and her heart raced as she continued to touch herself, her body trembling with each passing second.

As ocean glanced around the room, her eyes fell upon Jane, who was sitting in the corner. Jane had always intrigued Ocean with her mysterious and seductive aura. But tonight, something was different. Jane's eyes were closed, and her hand was moving in a slow and deliberate motion between her legs. Ocean's heart skipped a beat as she watched, her body suddenly feeling hot and tingly.

She couldn't tear her eyes away from Jane's movements, her breath quickening as she felt a surge of arousal wash over her. She had never experienced anything like this before, but she couldn't deny the intense pull she felt towards Jane in that moment. The way her body was responding to the sight before her was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

As Jane's movements became faster and more urgent, Ocean could feel herself getting lost in the moment, her own fingers itching to join in. But before she could act on her desires, Jane's eyes snapped open and she caught Ocean's gaze. In that split second, Ocean felt exposed and vulnerable, but also exhilarated by the thought of being caught.

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Ocean could see the desire and curiosity in Jane's eyes. As jane was on the brink of ecstasy, a voice suddenly broke through the darkness. 'What are you doing over there, Jane?' ocean called out, their tone filled with confusion and slight annoyance as her face turned red, still staring between the blonde's legs.

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