phone sex

343 2 7

Requested by MiuTheGenius!aka my partner <3 (Again XD)
Lot of dialogue bc I'm stupid and struggle with this type of stuff.

'Okay, anymore questions?' Ocean asked as she took off her glasses and ran her fingers through her hair.

'Yeah, I don't understand how you got that answer for question twelve.' Mischa replied as he scratched his head.

Ocean sighed as she began to thoroughly explain her answer and the equation that was used, explaining the formula and different ways to answer. Once she had finished her ramble, everyone else decided to go to sleep; leaving penny and ocean alone on the call.

'I fucking hate maths. But you know what I don't hate?' Penny smirked.

The ginger scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully as she closed her textbooks.

'I'm not coming all the way over there just because we're both horny.' Ocean giggled.

'Oh? It's not just me then?' The tall girl replied.

Ocean smirked and rolled her eyes as she stood up, walking out of the sight from the camera. The rustle of clothing is heard through the speaker of the phone.

'Nooooo, come back.' Penny whined.

'I'll come back now, I'm changing.' The shorter girl giggled, smirking to herself.

'Let me watch?' Penny replied playfully.

Ocean waited for a few seconds before moving the phone, allowing herself to get into the view of the camera. The freckled girl was stood wearing nothing but white lace panties. She's a relatively skinny girl with freckles covering the area above her chest, her arms and her face.

Penny smirked as she watched ocean rummage through her closet, watching her bend over to get into the bottom draws. The pale girl stared intently at her girlfriend as she continued to search for clean underwear. Ocean stood back up and pulled down her panties, taking them off her legs.

'Fuck you're hot... you sure you can't come over here?' Penny whispered in a low, seductive voice.

'Baby, just masturbate; it's not that hard.'

'Wanna watch?'

Ocean's face went bright red as she squeezed her thighs together, feeling herself begin to get wet.

'Wh-what? I uh... I don't know, we've never done something like...that...before' Ocean stuttered as she fiddled with her fingers.

'Come on, you know you want to, princess.~' Penny smirked as she began to undress.

'Uh...can i- can I touch myself too...?' The small girl mumbled, sitting back down onto her bed.

'As long as I can watch.' The taller female replied.

Ocean nodded.

Without a word, the girls simultaneously moved their hands down their bodies, their fingers tracing every inch of their skin with a sense of familiarity and desire. As Penny stripped off their clothes, Ocean couldn't help but admire Penny's body. She was tall and had a few extra pounds, but it only added to her curves and made her even more beautiful. Penny, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off of Ocean. Her ginger hair was tied back in a messy bun, her freckles sprinkled across her face, and her brown eyes were filled with desire.

Penny reached for her phone, propping it up against some books on her bedside table, giving Ocean a perfect view of her body. She lay back on her bed, her pale skin glowing in the dim light of her room. Ocean couldn't help but let out a soft moan as she watched Penny trail her fingers down her body, stopping at her breasts and teasing her nipples.

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