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(Fat fetish & piss kink)

A gentle breeze from an oscillating fan stirred the curtains, carrying with it the faint scent of lavender. On the floor, sprawled languidly on a plush rug, lay a tall, voluptuous brunette. Her ample curves were accentuated by a sports bra that barely contained her generous bosom and knee-length shorts. Beside her on the bed, a petite, freckled ginger absorbed herself in a book. Her short, fiery hair contrasted starkly with the pristine white of her vest top, which revealed a scattering of adorable freckles across her fair skin. Her eyes, a vivid shade of emerald green, darted across the pages, her lips occasionally curving into a faint smile as the story unfolded before her.

The air hung heavy with the scent of lavender and old books as Penny stretched out on the floor, her plump, body draped across the soft rug. She let out a dramatic sigh, the sound echoing in the otherwise silent room. 'I'm famished,' she groaned, her brown hair cascading around her face like a curtain. Ocean, perched on the edge of the bed with her legs tucked beneath her, glanced at Penny with amusement. 'Go eat then,' she suggested, her voice laced with a gentle teasing tone. Penny rolled her eyes, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. 'Too lazy,' she mumbled, 'Besides, you're right there. You can feed me.' Ocean chuckled, finding Penny's blatant laziness endearing. 'Alright, come on then.' The ginger giggled as she got up. 'Ugh, I don't wanna move.' Penny whines again as she holds her stomach. 'Alright, no food for you then.' Ocean smirks and heads towards the door. 'No, wait, help me up.' The brunette chuckles and places a hand out for Ocean to grab and help her stand.

Ocean pulls penny off the floor and walks downstairs to the pantry. Penny sits down on the floor once again, leaning against the counter with her legs spread and her hands resting on her stomach. 'Don't cook. You're cooking sucks ass.' Penny smirks as she runs her hand along her stretch marks. 'I'm not, relax.' The red head giggles. 'Do you want snack food or food food?' Ocean asks. 'Anything.' Penny replies, groaning as her stomach begins to growl. The short girl walks back from the pantry and sits beside penny, grabbing her chin and making her open her mouth before gently pushing a small, bite-sized peice of cake into the taller girl's mouth.

Penny smiles and chews on the piece of cake that Ocean had forced into her mouth, crumbs falling onto her shirt as Ocean continues to give Penny more. Ocean bites her lip and begins to rub her thighs together discreetly as she pushes another peice of cake into Penny's mouth, allowing her finger to slip inside and stroke her tounge, thrusting it a few times before pulling it out and picking the crumbs off of Penny's bra. 'Are you enjoying?~' She smirks and licks her finger that was previously in the brunettes mouth. Penny blushes and nods as she looks away from Ocean.  The freckled girl took a bigger peice and gently stuffed it into Penny's mouth, watching her try to bite through the large peice, groaning as she trys to swallow. The brunette tipped her head back as she managed to finish the peice. 'Okay, I'm good now.' She chokes out as she pushes herself up more.

', I think you could handle more...' Ocean whispers in a low, seductive tone as she grabs another big slice, gently pushing it into Penny's mouth. Penny groans as the ginger begins to stuff her, thrusting her fingers into the brunettes mouth once again. Ocean shifts her position and sits on pennys lap, starting to lightly grind on the bigger girls thighs as she stuffs her. 'Mmmmhng...!~' Penny moans as she tries to swallow the peice, crumbs falling down onto her rolls. 'Good girl...keep going...~' Ocean bites her lip as she keeps grinding down on pennys thick thighs, starting to move her head down and lick the crumbs off the taller girl's stomach.

Penny's eyes rolled back as she gasped and gripped onto Ocean's hair gently. The brunette continued to chew the food, her stomach growling as she finishes the peice, now starting to groan. The shorter of the two grabbed the last slice, being more gentle this time as she puts it into Penny's mouth, holding her chin and helping her chew by moving her jaw. Penny swallowed the food as she began to rub her stomach gently and groan. Ocean bit her lip as she watched Penny. 'Keep going...' Ocean whispered seductively as she got off penny's lap and began to rub herself through her shorts. The tall girl looked away from the red head as she began to play with her stomach, rubbing, squeezing, and pintching at her stomach, letting out soft whines as she did so. Ocean moaned at the sight as she slipped her hand into her shorts and began to thrust into her own hand, already feeling the wetness in her panties cover her fingers.

' with your bellybutton for me...~' The freckled girl moaned. Penny blushed but did as she was told, moving a finger into her bellybutton, rubbing it and moving her fingers in and out as her stomach continued to rumble. Ocean's eyes rolled back as she began to pant, grinding against her fingers. She groans and removes her hand from her shorts, grabbing a big bottle of Dr pepper and opening it. 'Open wide, baby.~' Ocean smirked as she caressed pennys thighs, feeling her stretch marks. After a moment of hesitation, Penny opened her mouth slowly, allowing Ocean to hold the bottle against her lips. The taller girl could only take so much at a time, only managing to drink half before she had to push it away. Penny let out a loud burp before groaning and looking away, blushing due to embarrassment. Ocean rubbed pennys stomach for a few seconds before pushing the bottle back to her lips, forcing her to drink the rest.

Once the bottle was finished, penny began to whine as she thrusted into the air desperately. 'Good girl...' The shorter girl praised as she got back onto the taller girls lap, kissing her lips as she grinds down against her. Penny gripped onto Ocean's hair, her stomach gurgling and bloated. 'Mmmhng...~ I- I need to go...' penny whined as she gently pushed Ocean off her lips, trying to get up but feeling too full to move. Ocean ignored the brunettes whines and continued to kiss her neck, leaving lipstick stains, bite marks and hickys. Penny whimpered as she squeezed her thighs together, rocking her hips as she desperately tries not to piss from all the soda. The freckled girl spread pennys thighs and places her knee between her legs, pushing her knee against Penny's bladder, rubbing it with her knee, causing penny to release it with a moan. Penny quickly looks away and whines slightly, tears welling in her eyes due to embarrassment. Ocean pulled her knee away and rubbed penny through her shorts for a second before pulling her fingers away and looking at them, smiling softly before kissing pennys cheek. ' need to be ashamed, darling... let's go get you cleaned up...' Ocean said in understanding, kinda turned on from the who scenario.

Ocean helped Penny stand up again as she groaned, still rubbing her stomach and squeezing her thighs together. The two went upstairs to the bathroom and ocean helped Penny get out of her clothes and held her close as they waited for the shower to be warm. Ocean gently humped penny from behind as she showered, still embarrassed from what had happend.

Sorry I cut it short, I don't have any motivation but I need to update eventually.

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