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Requested by spaceagebatchlorman!

It all started with subtle touches and playful comments. Penny would brush her fingers against Ocean's arm during class, making her shiver with anticipation. She would whisper suggestive words in her ear during lunch, making Ocean blush and squirm in her seat. Penny relished in the power she had over Ocean's reactions and couldn't resist taunting her whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Every day, Ocean would show up to school with a sense of anticipation, wondering what new way Penny would find to make her crave her touch. It was a game between them, with Ocean frustrated yet hopelessly turned on, and Penny constantly pushing her limits.

Sometimes, Penny would make a show of kissing Ocean in front of their classmates, causing her cheeks to turn red with embarrassment. Other times, she would flash a seductive smile while whispering something in Ocean's ear, causing her to turn in her seat and try to hide her increasing arousal.

Penny even took advantage of their shared classes to tease Ocean. During art class, she would sit close and admire Ocean's work, making sure to lean over and brush against her arm whenever she walked past. In music class, she would strum her guitar and sing love songs, always making sure to lock eyes with Ocean in the most seductive way possible.

As the days went by, Ocean became increasingly frustrated with Penny's teasing. She was constantly on edge, her body aching for Penny's touch. But no matter how much she begged and pleaded, Penny always seemed to leave her wanting more.

Their classmates began to take notice of the tension between Ocean and Penny. Some laughed and teased them, while others were jealous of the chemistry they shared. But as much as Ocean wanted to deny it, she loved every second of it. Penny may have frustrated her, but she also made her feel alive and desired.

One day, Ocean couldn't take it anymore. She confronted Penny in the hallway, pulling her into a deserted classroom and pinning her against the wall. She looked deeply into her eyes, her voice dripping with frustration and need. 'You can't keep teasing me like this, Penny. I can't take it anymore.'

To her surprise, Penny's eyes lit up with desire, and she pulled Ocean in for a passionate kiss. As their lips met, all the pent-up tension and frustration finally exploded between them. They spent the rest of their afternoon in that classroom, losing themselves in each other and finally satisfying the desire that had been building up for months. Ocean pulled away and whispered in Penny's ear, 'You started this, and you're going to fix it.'. The smaller girl dragged penny into the school bathrooms and locked the door behind them.

Penny's hands roamed down Ocean's body, feeling every curve and dip of her small frame. She loved the way Ocean fit perfectly in her arms, like they were made for each other. Ocean moaned into the kiss, her small hands gripping onto Penny's plump hips. She loved the feeling of Penny's body against hers, the way their curves melted together.

As their kissing grew more intense, Penny moved her lips down to Ocean's neck, sucking and nipping at her sensitive skin. Ocean let out a gasp, her back arching against the wall. She ran her fingers through Penny's brown hair, pulling her closer. Penny's hands moved up to cup Ocean's breasts over her tight t-shirt, her thumbs brushing over Ocean's nipples, causing her to shiver with pleasure.

Penny then pulled away from Ocean's neck, looking into her brown eyes with a mischievous glint in her own. She slowly slid her hands down to Ocean's tight skirt, pulling it down along with her panties. Ocean leaned back against the wall, her legs trembling with anticipation.

Penny dropped to her knees in front of Ocean, running her hands up and down her thighs. She leaned in and kissed Ocean's inner thighs, slowly making her way towards her center. Ocean's breath hitched as she felt Penny's warm breath on her most intimate area. As soon as Penny's tongue made contact with Ocean's clit, she moaned loudly, her fingers tangling in Penny's hair.

Penny continued to pleasure Ocean, swirling her tongue around her clit and dipping it inside her, making Ocean squirm with pleasure. Ocean's hips moved against Penny's face, desperate for more friction and sensation. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge. Ocean moaned softly as Penny's fingers moved in and out of her, her small frame pressed against the cold tiles of the school bathroom stall. Penny's plump body was pressed close to her, her warm breath against her neck as she teased her with her tongue. It was a thrill, being in the school bathroom, knowing they could be caught at any moment. But that only added to the excitement for both girls.

Penny's fingers were skilled, moving in a steady rhythm that had Ocean squirming and gasping for more. Her small body arched as she felt the pleasure build, her hands gripping onto Penny's shoulders for support. This wasn't the first time they had found themselves in the school bathroom, but it was definitely the most intense.

As Penny's tongue flicked over her swollen clit, Ocean couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. She had never met anyone who could make her feel this way, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying. But with Penny, she felt safe, she felt loved.

Penny's own body was on fire, her panties soaked through from the sight and taste of Ocean. She had always been drawn to the small ginger with her big brown eyes that held so much emotion. And now, in this tiny bathroom stall, she felt like they were the only two people in the world.

They had started out as friends, two outcasts in a school filled with cliques and judgements. But their friendship had turned into something more, something that both scared and excited them. They had fumbled and explored, learning each other's bodies and finding new ways to pleasure one another.

But in this moment, in the school bathroom, they were lost in each other. The sounds of their moans and gasps echoed off the walls, mingling with the sound of running water from the sink. It was almost like a symphony, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, reaching a crescendo that left them both breathless and shaking.

As they caught their breath and adjusted their clothes, Penny couldn't help but look at Ocean with adoration. She was always amazed by how beautiful and perfect Ocean was, even when she was flushed and sweaty from their activities. And Ocean looked back at her with the same look, knowing that they had something special and rare. With one final flick of Penny's tongue, she orgasm, her body trembling with pleasure.

Penny stood up, a satisfied grin on her face. 'My turn,' she said, pulling Ocean up from the ground. Ocean eagerly helped Penny out of her clothes, her eyes roaming over her girlfriend's plump body. She couldn't wait to taste her, to make her feel as good as she just felt.

As Penny leaned against the bathroom stall, Ocean dropped to her knees in front of her and buried her face between Penny's thighs. She licked and sucked on her clit, her fingers pumping in and out of her. Penny's moans filled the bathroom stall, her fingers gripping onto Ocean's hair as she got closer and closer to her climax.

With one final thrust of Ocean's fingers, Penny came with a loud cry, her body shaking with pleasure. Ocean stood up, kissing Penny deeply as they both caught their breath.

'You are so amazing,' Penny whispered, tracing her fingers down Ocean's cheek. 'I am so lucky to have you.'

Ocean smiled and kissed her again before putting their clothes back on. As they left the bathroom stall, their hands intertwined, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the secret moments they could steal away during the school day to be with each other. They knew their love was forbidden, but they couldn't resist the intense passion and desire they felt for each other. And as long as they had each other, that was all that mattered.

[Sorry this one is shorter than the last, I've been trying to study as I have three tests tmr and five more within the week T^T]

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