hypersexual ocean

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Requested by miuthegenius!

[Ocean is hypersexual in this :)]

Ocean and Penny had been dating for a few months now. They were both 17 years old and madly in love with each other. Ocean was a beautiful girl with long ginger hair, freckles scattered across her face, and big brown eyes that seemed to sparkle whenever she looked at Penny. She was also on the shorter side, standing at 5'5, which she always joked about saying she was a 'fun-sized' girlfriend.

Penny, on the other hand, was tall and pale with long brunette hair that she typically kept in a messy bun. Her brown eyes were always filled with love and admiration whenever she looked at Ocean. Penny's height made her the perfect cuddle buddy for Ocean, and whenever they cuddled, Ocean would bury her face into Penny's chest, feeling safe and loved.

But tonight, something was different. As Ocean and Penny cuddled on the couch while watching their favorite romantic comedy, Ocean couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal. She couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but the warmth of Penny's body pressed against her, the way her hand lightly stroked Ocean's arm, and the sweet scent of her perfume all gave Ocean a sense of comfort and desire.

As they continued to watch the movie, Ocean's thoughts began to drift to more sexual desires. She pictured Penny's lips on hers, her hands roaming all over her body, and the thought of being intimate with her. Ocean's heart began to race, and she could feel the heat between her legs growing with each passing second.

Trying to keep her composure, Ocean subtly moved her hand up and down Penny's thigh, hoping Penny wouldn't notice her actions. But as their cuddling became more intense, Penny couldn't help but notice the change in Ocean's behavior.

Penny leaned in and whispered into Ocean's ear, 'Is everything okay, love?'

Ocean could only nod, unable to form any words as her desire for Penny grew stronger. The ginger bit her lip and rubbed her thighs together as she held onto the taller girls shirt. Small whimpers escaped from Ocean's mouth as she rested her head onto Penny's chest. 'If you want me to help, I will. You don't have to suffer, sweetheart.' The pale girl smiled softly.

'I just feel like you'd be upset with me... I'm constantly feeling sexual and I don't want you to think I'm only with you because of your body...' Ocean replied.

'Don't worry, i know you're not that type.'

As Penny gazed down at her girlfriend, Ocean, she couldn't help but admire the way the soft light from the lamp beside them illuminated her features.

As Penny gently ran her fingers through Ocean's soft ginger hair, she could feel the familiar spark of desire building up inside her. But tonight, it was different. Tonight, she wanted to take things slow and make sure that Ocean was fully satisfied. So, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Ocean's in a soft and gentle kiss. She could feel Ocean's body respond immediately, her hands reaching up to pull Penny closer and deepen the kiss.

But Penny pulled back, her hands trailing down Ocean's neck and over her collarbone, eliciting a soft moan from her girlfriend. She continued her journey down, her lips now tracing a path down Ocean's body, stopping at every pulse point to leave a gentle kiss. As she reached the hem of Ocean's shirt, she hesitated for a moment, waiting for any signs of discomfort from her girlfriend. But all she saw was Ocean's gaze, filled with trust and desire.

So, with trembling fingers, Penny slowly peeled off Ocean's shirt, revealing her beautiful, pale skin. She couldn't help but admire the soft curves of Ocean's body and how perfectly it fit against her own. And as Ocean arched her back in anticipation, Penny took her time, exploring every inch of her girlfriend's body with her lips and hands.

Every touch, every kiss was soft and gentle, conveying the depth of love and care she felt for Ocean. She wanted to give her everything that she needed, to show her that she was more than just someone to satisfy her hypersexuality. And as Ocean's breathing became ragged and her moans grew louder, Penny knew that she was succeeding.

Ocean's ginger hair was spread out on the cushions, the subtle lighting in the room casting a soft glow on her freckled face. Her brown eyes were full of passion as she gazed up at Penny, who was perched on top of her. Penny's tall, pale frame towered over Ocean, their bodies fitting together perfectly like two puzzle pieces.

The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, both girls aware that this was going to be a night to remember. Their clothes were still on, but their bodies were on fire, every touch sending shivers down their spines. Penny's hands were gently tracing the curves of Ocean's body, her fingers brushing against the fabric of her shirt, causing Ocean to gasp in anticipation.

Without saying a word, Ocean reached up and pulled Penny's face down to hers, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It was slow at first, but as their arousal grew, their kisses became more urgent and passionate. Penny's hands moved from Ocean's body to her face, cupping her cheeks as they kissed deeply, their tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm.

As they continued to explore each other's mouths, Ocean's hand found its way to the button of Penny's jeans. Without breaking the kiss, she expertly undid the button and slowly pulled down the zipper, her hand slipping inside to feel the warm skin underneath. Penny let out a soft moan, her hips lifting off of Ocean's as she felt her girlfriend's touch.

In response, Penny's hand made its way under Ocean's shirt, feeling the curve of her back and the smoothness of her skin. Their bodies were now moving in sync, the rhythm of their kisses matching the movements of their hands.

Feeling bolder, Ocean sat up, bringing Penny with her as they continued to kiss. Penny's hands moved to the buttons of Ocean's shirt, undoing them one by one until it fell open, revealing her lace bra. Penny couldn't resist the urge to touch, her fingers gently running along the edge of the lace, causing Ocean to arch her back and let out a sigh.

With a newfound confidence, Penny pushed Ocean back down onto the sofa, her hands now moving to her own shirt. She quickly pulled it off, revealing her own lacy bra, matching Ocean's. The sight of each other's bodies only fueled their desire, their kisses becoming more frantic and urgent.

Feeling adventurous, Penny's hand moved to the button of Ocean's pants, her fingers teasingly grazing over the fabric. Ocean let out a whimper, her body begging for more. Without hesitation, Penny undid the button and pulled down the zipper, revealing Ocean's lace panties. The cool air hit Ocean's skin, heightening her sensitivity and causing her to arch her back in pleasure.

Ocean's hands were now roaming freely over Penny's body, her fingers tracing the lines of her toned stomach and the curve of her breasts. She couldn't resist the urge to touch, her fingers slipping under the fabric of Penny's bra to feel the warmth of her skin. As their bodies tangled together, their minds became lost in a blur of sensations and pleasure.

Penny trailed kisses down Ocean's neck, her hands gently caressing every inch of her body. Ocean's breath came in short gasps as she felt the desire building within her. She wanted Penny, needed her, and she could tell that Penny felt the same way.

With a silent understanding, they both shed their remaining clothes, their bodies now fully exposed to each other. They gazed at each other, taking in every curve and line, before coming together in a fierce and passionate embrace.

Their bodies moved as one, their hands and mouths exploring every inch of each other with gentle skill and passion. As their lovemaking continued, the sounds of their moans and sighs filled the room, each one a manifestation of the intense pleasure they were both experiencing.

As they reached the peak of their desire, their bodies trembled and they clung to each other, not wanting to let go.

As they lay in each other's arms, their bodies still entwined, they both knew that this was something special. Their love was more than just physical, it was a deep connection that transcended words and gestures.

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