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- oceans entire body is a weak spot and so when jane/penny and ocean have sleepovers, penny/Jane would lay beside ocean and run her nails up and down Ocean's arm and/or back to help her fall asleep.

- both ocean and her room constantly smells of lavender, its oceans signature scent.

- jane/penny has am antique doll collection in one of those massive trophy cases and it freaks ocean out.

- ocean refusesbto sleep with a blanket on as she over heats easily, yet she collects blankets and folds them up in a big plastic storage container under her bed.

- ocean crochets and loves making scarfs for both herself and jane/penny.

- Jane/penny wasn't the biggest fan of tea until ocean made her a cup and it tasted like she just ate from a unicorns asshole. (How is that a good thing? I don't know)

- penny/jane is a blanket hogger.

- Anytime ocean is changing infront of jane/penny, jane/penny will comment on Ocean's bra, calling it 'fancy', 'sexy' or 'cute'.

- ocean literally lovessss Jane/penny's stomach and thighs because they are squishy.

- ocean has freckles but covers them with foundation for school.

- penny/Jane likes oceans freckles and glasses because it makes her look like a geek.

- ocean takes off her shoe anytime penny/Jane swears, making them fear for their life.

- ocean refuses to let Ricky touch her after what she did to him in space aged bachelor man.

- jane/penny tends to cook for ocean anytime she's over.

- ocean is obsessed with bread and microwaved chocolate cake. (Separately, obviously)

- jane/penny will shove two fingers into oceans sides repeatedly when she non-stop trys to lecture her and/or refuse to do the smallest task.

- ocean has a praise kink, loves being called a 'good girl' and being called 'princess', she enjoys being a pillow princess (just lay there and let jane/penny do all the work) but will still put in effort when jane/penny wants her to.

- ocean is a bottom, very bashful and shy when it comes to intercourse, she gets very red and can barely speak.

- jane/penny will allow ocean to be a pillow princess for the first hour of sex, not including foreplay.

- when it comes to foreplay, jane/penny will go down Ocean's neck and to her thighs, leaving kisses, hickys and bite marks all over her. (Inclufing stomach, back, pelvis, jawline, thighs, above the ass)

- ocean can't walk for ten minutes after they've had sex.

- ocean loves grinding on penny/Jane's thighs and jane/penny prefers to have ocean pinned against the wall, facing away from her.

- ocean enjoys the feeling of candle wax on her skin, she will just gently pour a little bit of candlewax on her hand and smile.

- jane/penny makes playlists for ocean.

- the two like to bath and shower together, penny/Jane enjoys washing oceans hair.

- jane/penny just has an obsession with brushing hair as it relaxes her, so she's often playing with Ocean's hair, brushing, styling, running her fingers through it, etc.

- ocean doesn't masterbate often, but it can be a stress relief for her, so she will maybe do it once a week.

- ocean loves face riding.

- when penny/Jane bites ocean, its in a sexual way, when ocean bites jane/penny, its for no reason other than she likes bitting things.

- ocean is very much like a bordercollie, very hyper, needs to do something constantly, impatient and very loyal.

- like a dog, ocean gets mean/rude when she's nervous/scared. She will start yelling at everyone in a panicked state and not realise until everyone is mad at her and calling her out on her behaviour.

- ocean was neglected by her parents as they'd be high constantly and have 20 strangers over almost every night, the only time they talked was when ocean was given food.

- ocean is very touch starved and prefers to have penny/Jane hold her hand at all times if she's near her.

- jane/penny doesn't have a lock on her bedroom door, so her brother (ezra) constantly walks in at the worse times possible.

- after sex, ocean will lay beside jane/penny with her head on her chest and her hand resting on penny/Jane's boob whilst jane/penny will run her nails up and down Ocean's back and/or arm.

- After their first time, ocean was in a daze and couldn't talk or move for roughly five minutes.

- during their first time, jane/penny would check on ocean before she moved onto something else, asking if she's okay and asking of she should be more gentle and saying that if ocean ever wanted to stop or needed a break, jane/penny would stop.

- ocean has grown up too fast and so she still has her child like moments/movements (like the way she moves and dances in her song 'what the world needs') and she still says things like 'ni ni' instead of 'good night', and will act childish when it comes to being told to go to bed by penny/Jane. She also likes to jump in piles of leafs.

- ocean got drunk once as no one knew she was a light weight and she said that she'd only have a sip which was a fucking lie, and she couldn't stand up, she was all over the place and she refused to let mischa go.

- ocean hates weed and refuses to let anyone in the choir do it thanks to her family.

- jane/penny buys ocean anything lavender scented as its oceans favourite.

- ocean love playing Minecraft

- ocean talks/mumbles in her sleep, you can't tell exactly what she's saying but you can still hear her.

- they like to fall asleep on facetime, ocean falls first and jane/penny watches them sleep for twenty minutes, takes a screenshot, says goodnight, love you and then hangs up.

- when on facetime at night, ocean will reply to everything with a hum instead of talking, which jane/penny finds adorable.

- ocean hosts a group call once a week where she helps everyone with their homework.

- jane/penny asks dumb questions every two minutes just to piss ocean off on the group calls.

- mischa and penny/Jane both plan what to do for oceans birthday and/or for a romantic gesture.

- noel helps ocean with romantic gestures.

- noel and mischa talk about what they helped the girls with behind their backs.

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