ocean O'Connell Rosenberg 2

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Okay, this is just me talking about oceans character, if you don't want to read, you don't have to :3

Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, born December 22nd, Capricorn, the ambitious nature. Favourite ride, the bumper cars. The most successful girl in town.

We are told of oceans' home life and past from her introduction. Its clear that Ocean was neglected but most people tend to skip over that fact as its too focused on the comedy aspect of it. We see oceans 'parents' getting high and karnak tells us about her family; throughout this scene, Ocean is acting out, trying to get attention in anyway she can and still not being given any until one of them offer her pot, in which she says no and looks hurt at the fact that that's the only thing they had said.

Obviously this could be one potential reason on why she acts the way she does. She was never given attention and probably just wanted some recognition, forcing herself to be 'perfect' and get good grades in the hope of having attention. Oceans too focused on getting everyone's attention on her that she can't see that she's doing more harm than good.

No, I'm not skipping over the fact that she is ableist(? I can't spell) and a narcissistic, self-obsessed, asshole. Yes, she's a shitty person but I will further exsplain why she isn't as bad as she seems soon enough.

After the accident, ocean was the most distraught and scared about her death. Everyone was surprisingly calm about it whilst ocean was panicking and trying to figure out what was going on. Ocean didn't have a good life nor a good reason to go back; the only reason she did want to go back is because she thought she could have done better and achieved so much more, not because she wanted to enjoy her life. Ocean still chose jane even though she wanted to vote herself, doing one good thing; and that was just in under two hours. Look, imagine if we got to see beyond that? What if we saw what happend to the choir after? Ocean could have developed alot more if she was given the time.

When it comes to her and Ricky, I think she doesn't actually realise that she is being bad. She's constantly treating him like a baby and acting as if he's too stupid to exist, but I think she purely does it because she really doesn't realise that he's fine on his own. She doesn't mean to be ablist, it's just the way she sees it. If someone told her she was being ableist, she'd probably non stop apologise for it. That's still not exusing her behaviour, she's still a bitch.

During its not a game/its just a ride, everyone huddles up with Ocean facing out and the others facing in. Ocean's taking on the leader role and is ready to face what is to come next, almost trying to protect the others. She was ready to face what was next for them.

Ocean is a massive peice of shit, but she could be better with time. She's just misunderstood. Ocean slowly realised that she was a bad person throughout the show, when Ricky sang about not being a dick and conceded, when constance sang sugarcloud, ect. She felt bad for jane and gave her that little birthday song, showing us that she at least has a bit of kindness.

Also, throughout the show(mostly in what the world needs), you can see that Ocean has very child-like actions and speech. The way in which she moves, dances and avoids the topic of swearing or anything that isn't pg, shows us that she grew up wayyyyyyy to fast. Karnak tells us that her views changed when she was eight years old. She became an overachieving perfectionist. Ocean also obviously tends to keep most of her feeling hidden as the smallest thing causes her to break down. When karnak tells her that not every story has a lesson, she sounds like she's about to cry and is clearly upset about the situation.

Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg is not just a narcissistic, self-obsessed, unloyal, asshole; she's just a kid who grew up too fast in the hope that she'll have the attention she wants and a better life than her 'parents'. I'm not telling people that they have to like her, I'm just saying that there is some reason that she isn't as bad as she seems.

755 words, not enough but no one would read it if it was the same amount as what's going on in my head; probably five pages worth...


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