More headcannons

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I have many many more.

– ocean never ever locks her window and has learnt how to climb up and down from her bedroom window in order to leave/enter the house.

– ocean climbed up to penny/Jane's bedroom window a few times, scarring jane/penny every single time.

– noel watches mischas YouTube on repeat to give him more views.

– ocean plays horror games constantly even though she gets scared easily and throws her headset everytime.

– ocean laughs like veronica sawyer in the Broadway version of heathers (I can't spell the actors name but I know it)

– ocean loves bread rolls more than anything.

– ocean listens to mistki and relates to alot of their songs (cop car for example; 'I get mean when I'm nervous, like a bad dog')

– Ocean also relates to are you satisfied? + oh no! By marina, burnt out gifted kid by Tom O'donovan and aromantic moodboard by maxwell Anthony.

– ocean has everything packed when the choir goes out, EVERYTHING. She never forgets anything...apart from sunscreen.

– penny/jane always remembers the sunscreen and brings it for ocean.

– ocean and Ricky play Mario cart with eachother and ocean is just yelling the entire time because she's either losing or rubbing the fact that she's winning in his face.

– Anytime ocean sees a baby or a dog she will get overly happy and speak in a babg voice.

– jane/penny is constantly buying anything lavender scented because she knows ocean loves it, giving ocean the stuff every time they see eachother.

– jane/penny runs ocean bubble baths with lavender scented candles around the room anytime oceans had a hard day.

– ikea ice cream makes ocean insanely hyper and is also her favourite ice cream.

– one time the choir went to ikea, mischa and noel were messing around, accidently broke a lamp, police came (bc the people working there were over reacting a lil) and penny laughed when the boys were getting told off, making a police officer lecture penny and penny started a full on argument with them whilst ocean and Ricky were eating some ice cream and constance was eating cinnamon rolls. (Based on events that happened with my class bc it's funny [I was the one eating ice cream])

– ocean, constance and noel love going to ikea just to look at how nice the little rooms are.

– noel wrote an entire poem dedicated to insulting ocean.

– if ocean and jane/penny get into an argument, penny/Jane will go to noel and ocean will go to mischa to complain.

– oceans constantly annoying jane/penny by saying 'in all honesty, I preferred the blonde...' because ocean has a thing for blondes.

– ocean is an undiagnosed autistic (hence why she can't understand tone and goes on her little rants/ hyperfixations)

– Ricky loves D&D

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