Hugs (and kisses?)

453 9 21

Genre: hurt/comfort

Based on a comic I saw by Atrofrhues

Angel Dust trudged through the streets, walking back to the hotel. His makeup was smeared, mascara staining his white fur. Valentino had made him walk back to the hotel today as punishment for not putting on a good show. His legs felt weak and shaky, and he felt like he'd pass out any moment. He let the tears fall, making raindrops on the pavement. He didnt want to drink, to smoke, to do anything but lay in bed and cry until he fell asleep.

Husk waited for Angel to get home. This was the second night he had been home late, and Husk couldn't help but worry. As much as he tried to deny it, he had built a genuine love for Angel. Husk convinced himself he'd never love again, but the fluffy white spider just found his way to his old, drunk heart, taking over his thoughts and feelings in the process.

When Angel finally stumbled in, Husk sighed in relief, looking down at the glass he was nervously cleaning. Angel gave him a weak smile, and Husk immediately took notes of his damp face and smeared makeup.

"Want a drink before I close up?"

Husk asked simply, trying to mask his concern. Angel just sat at the bar, looking down, small tears falling onto the counter.


"I.. uh, yeah?"

"What type of drink, make it quick I'm about to close up."

Husk tried to stay stern as he spoke, but his voice leaked concern for Angel. He cleared his throat, going back to wiping the glass.

"Can I..."

Angel asked softly, trying to keep his voice steady. He bit his lip and took a deep breath. The last thing he wanted to do was make an ass out of himself.

"...have a hug?"

He finally said softly, his voice breaking. Husk was stunned by his sudden request. He waited for a punchline, another one of Angels flirty jokes or sexual innuendos, but nothing. Silence fell like a blanket of tension around them, before Angel spoke again.

"N...nevermind, I was just kidding, h-haha... t-that was d-dumb... I-I'm sorry..."

Angel mumbled, wiping his tears. He bit his lip again until he felt the taste of blood fill his mouth. He pushed out of the bar stool, his legs trembling.

"I-I actually d-don't want a drink... ha-h! I-I should g-go to bed- u-uhm, goodnight, H-Husky...!"

Husk couldn't handle watching him walk away, his broken face burning into his memory. He gently put the glass down, and reached for Angel.


"I'm sorry- it was a Stu-stupid idea-"


"Im- im just gonna go to bed-"

He grabbed Angels arm, slightly annoyed that Angel was pushing him away, but that annoyance faded quickly, replaced by care and undivided affection. He pulled him into his arms, engulfing him in an embrace that radiated of love. Angels head immediately fell into his shoulder with a sob, and Husk used his wings to cover them both. His heart broke at Angels breathy cries, clutching his stomach with his two lower arms, the higher up ones wrapped around Husk. Husk rubbed his back, keeping him close.

"Take it easy, legs."

Husk whispered, tightening his grip just a little bit, the pressure helping Angel regulate again.


Husk shushed him, knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind to talk, his words barely audible through sobs.

"Anytime, Angel. I'm here."

Angel wept for a little longer, but soon the sobs subsided. He stayed in Husks embrace, as if letting go would cause him to spiral all over again. Husk gently lifted his chin, wiping the tears that remained, a smile so soft and bittersweet crept onto his lips.

Angel smiled back, his lip trembling. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. He wanted to talk, to say something, anything, but words wouldn't leave, his voice dying in his throat. He yawned, sniffling, and rubbing his swollen eyes with one of his hands.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Angel shook his head frantically. He wanted to forget the memories, not relive them. Husk understood that feeling all too well. He intertwined their hands (paws? Hands?), giving him a comforting squeeze.

"I understand. Whatever you need."

They looked up at each other with lovesick eyes, a silent exchange of feelings so foreign to both of them. Angel felt the sinking pit in his stomach flutter into butterflies, and Husk felt his heart swell.

The gaze between them lasted for only a few seconds before Husk couldn't handle it anymore, and pulled Angel closer, their lips meeting in a messy first kiss. Angel was shocked, freezing in place, causing Husk to pull away instantly.

"Shit- shit Angel I'm so- I'm so sorry I-"


"I should've asked, I'm so sorry-"


Husk finally looked up, noticing the tears that shed from Angels eyes again. They weren't sad tears this time, they were tears of joy and love, his heart was full of admiration and care for the cat-like demon. Angel leaned down and kissed Husk again, their lips locking together perfectly like a puzzle, like they belonged together. Angels hands wrapped around Husks shoulders and waist, and Husks arms rested on the back of Angels head, threading through his fur.

When they finally pulled away, it was like all of Angels misery faded away. Their hands reconnected, and Angel leaned in for another hug, resting his head in the crook of his neck. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes.

Soon Angel pulled away, yawning once again, his eyes drooping. Husk smiled, finding the sight adorable, despite the poor circumstances.

"You should get some sleep, Legs."

"Ya... you- you should too."

Angel didn't want the moment to end, clinging onto the one good moment he has had in a while. Husk could sense the somber undertone, and gently brushed the tuft of hair from his face.

"Cmon Ang, you can stay with me."

Husk whispered, leading him away from the bar and up the hotel stairs. They soon settled into Husks bed, the once dull bedroom became a little more lively. Angel didn't hesitate to snuggle into his newly-found lover, his eyes fluttered as he felt sleep take over. With a final kiss to Angels temple, Husk closed his own eyes as the room fell silent, only accompanied by the occasional soft snores from Angel Dust.

They both slept soundly for the first night in months.

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