Love Letters

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Genre: fluff and suggestive

Husk lost the ability to love the moment he got into hell. When he was forced to work in the hazbin hotel, he hated everyone.

Everyone until he met Angel Dust.

Hells greatest pornstar had somehow found his way into his heart, the heart he swore was locked away in a bullet proof safe deep in his chest. Husk didn't like Angel at first, finding his fake flirty personality insufferable. But as the persona of Angel Dust started to crumble, so did Husks hatred for the white spider-like demon. The two started to grow closer, whether it be Angel complaining from work, or Husk telling him random stories from various casinos or places he travelled in his life. The two had formed a close-knit friendship.

Husk didn't when it started, but soon butterflies started to fill the void in his stomach, and his heart sped up in Angels presence.

At first, he avoided his feelings, which meant avoiding Angel Dust entirely, but Angel caught on quick, and Husk couldn't bear the fact of making him upset. So, he tried to convince himself he wasn't in love, chopping it up to admiration. That worked, but only for a few weeks. The feelings came back after that, stronger than they were before, so he gave up, finally accepting it.

He never planned on pursing his crush, he wouldn't even know how. He spent time admiring the man from afar. Husk memorized the pink spots on his fur, and the way his eyes lit up when he saw something he liked. He retained any information about him, even if it was seemingly useless. He wanted to know everything about Angel. His secrets, his fears, his insecurities, his happy places.

He had fallen in love.

Husk asked Charlie for advice, as she was the only one he knew in an established relationship. Her advice was good, even if it was a little too fairytale-like for him.

"Awww, Husk! That's adorable."

"Yeah, yeah, shut it. Just help me out here, Princess."

"Sorry, sorry. Well, when I asked Vaggie I just... asked! Ya know? I bought her flowers, drew a card, handed it to her and ran away! Then she came to my door and kissed me, and we've been together ever since! Anyways, im sure Angel will say yes! He definitely likes you!"

Husk thought back to her advice, he wasn't as upfront as she was, and rejection was his biggest fear. What if Angel didn't like him, or he wasn't good enough for Angel? I mean, the man could get just about anyone, what did an old drunk have to offer him? There was a lot to think about.

One thing did stick to mind though, flowers. He could buy Angel flowers, and leave them for him to find. It was more subtle than Charlie's way of confessing, but it got the point across.

The next day he went to a flower shop (for the sake of this story, we're pretending hell has flower shops) and picked out the most obnoxiously pink bouquet he'd ever seen in his after-life life. He bought them, and quickly returned to the hotel, placing the flowers at the bar.

He had time before Angel returned home to think about what to do next. He sighed, grabbing a piece of paper. He wanted to write something, but he didn't know what. He debated for a while, he didn't want to be too sappy, but didn't want the note to sound forced. He wasted most of the time staring at a blank piece of paper. It took him glancing at the clock to realize that he didn't have much time left, so he scribbled his thoughts onto the paper, folding it into a card-like shape.

"I love you, loser." Was written on the paper. Husk mentally slapped himself for not being good with words the one time he needed to be. He didn't sign his name. He thought that, if anything, Angel would just take it as a random act of kindness, and not recognize his feeling. He didn't want to make an ass out of himself.

With only about ten minutes before Angel returned to the hotel, he placed the bouquet of flowers on Angels bed. Fat Nuggets jumped up, recognizing the feline and giving him a happy squeal. Husk chuckled softly, patting the pig on the head.

"This is our little secret, pig."

He smiled softly and walked out of the room, going back to tending the bar. The nerves in his stomach made him want to throw up, but he kept his outward appearance gruff and calm.

When Angel returned, they bullshitted together as usual. Husk anxiously wiped a glass while they chatted, a nervous habit he developed from bartending.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed, kitty~ you plan on joining me?"

Husk rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a small smile. His gaze stayed down at the glass in his hand.

"No thanks, Legs."

Angel laughed, and waved as he walked upstairs.

"Offer still stands!"

"In your dreams!"

Husk called after him, waiting as his footsteps disappeared to quickly close up the bar and hide in his room. As he locked the door, he slid to the floor, looking down at his paws (hands? Paws?) that were shaking. He mentally criticized himself for every little move, over-analyzing the four words he wrote on a paper. Was it too obvious? It was definitely too obvious. What if Angel flipped out and never spoke to him again? Would he lose a friend as well as any chance of a relationship? He got lost in his own head, and went to take a sip of his flask when a soft knock came from the other side. Husk jumped, nearly dropping the open flask to the floor. He shakily opened the door, peaking his head around to see Angel Dust.

"Uhm.. come in?"

Husk opened the door, and was immediately met with a hug, causing him to tense. He quickly snapped out of his shock and hugged back, a soft smile creeping on his lips.


Husk tried to speak, but was cut off with a kiss he wasn't expecting. Husk didn't hesitate this time, discarding the alcohol onto the ground and wrapping his arms around the taller spiders waist. His lips felt like heaven against Husks. He tasted of strawberry chapstick snd cigarettes, and he savored the flavor when they pulled away.

"Husk...god- I- love you too.."

Husk kissed Angel this time, a kiss more longing and passionate, filling the void in both their hearts. They practically launched themselves into the bed, their lips still locked together, only pulling away for air.

" I will... take you up on that offer...earlier..."

Husker mumbled in between breaths. Angel just giggled and pulled him in for another kiss.

*insert sex here bc I don't wanna write smut rn*

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