Fare Una Spaghettata

199 5 45

Genre: fluff!

Title translates to 'Let's Eat Spaghetti'

Requested by: D0ntWannaB3H3r3


Something's you never forget, even when you die.

Growing up Italian, Angel knew just about every pasta recipe by heart. He knew how to make the most flavorful tomato sauce, the creamiest of Alfredo, and pastas of all different shapes. He spent a lot of time in the hotels kitchen, filling the lobby with the scent of freshly cooked garlic bread, various pastas and salads nearly every night. He was eternally grateful Charlie was able to obtain proper ingredients from earth thanks to Lucifer. 

Angels cooking was loved by every resident in the hotel, and he didn't mind the chore of cooking proper meals anytime he could. It brought one of the only good parts of his life on Earth into his even shittier one in hell, and he enjoyed the little bit of peace in the chaos.

Tonight was no different. Angel had gotten home early enough to cook. He sang various songs to himself as he prepared the sauce. He'd be making a classic spaghetti, the easiest of his recipes.

While he waited for the sauce to simmer, he felt a hand snake around his waist. He jumped, but quickly noticed who it was.

"Husky! Can't startle me in the kitchen, baby! Might hit ya with a pan."

Husk scoffed with a small chuckle.

"Whatcha cooking? Smells good."

"Just spaghetti. Why? Ya wanna help?"

Husk pondered the idea for a moment, before shrugging.

"Sure, why not."

"Okay! You can start by putting that box of noodles in the boiling water while I stir the sauce!"

Husk nodded, going over to the pot of water. He went to pour the noodles in, but realized they were too tall for the pot. He shrugged, trying to figure out how to get them to fit.

"Hey, Angel. How the fuck are these supposed to fit into this pot?"

"Just pour em in!"

Husk nodded, but had a (what he thought) was a genius idea, taking the noodles into his hands, going to break them in half. As if the Italian spider could sense it, he spun around to see the horrid sight.

"Uno stupido! What are you doing?!"

"Breaking the noodles? They'll fit in the pot better and-"

Angel took the noodles from his hand, tossing them in the pot.

"Never, EVER, break the noodles! Quanto irrispettoso!"

Husk stood there dumbfounded, staring at his now fuming Italian boyfriend. He couldn't even understand half the shit Angel was saying.

"I don't understand why it's a big deal, but whatever you say babe..."

"You don't understand?!"

Angel gasped dramatically.

"Spaghetti is meant to be twisted and twirled on a fork, retaining the shape it was created! I can't twirl my pasta if it's too short! You must NEVER break the pasta! If my mama ever caught you doing that, you'd be out of the house!"

Husk just nodded.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Won't happen again."

Angel smiled, leaning down to peck Husks nose.

"You're lucky I love you, I forgive you."

Angel went back to stirring the sauce, keeping an eye on his noodles simmering.

"When those are done, can ya strain the water out? But don't drain the pasta water, put some in a cup, makes the sauce taste better."

Husk shook his head but looked over at the noodles.

"You Italians are so complicated.."

"But the food is good, is it not?"

Husk couldn't disagree with that, so he drained the noodles, grabbing a cup for the pasta water.

"Here, your precious pasta water."

"Thank you!"

Angel finished the sauce and poured it over the noodles, stirring it in the pot. He quickly grabbed his garlic bread out of the oven, and placed his dish on the table.

"Anndddd Voila! Dinner time everyone!"

Everyone gathered around after a few moments, glancing at the food with hungry smiles on their face, diving in. The room was filled with content hums and compliments, even Alastor had nothing bad to say.

"My co-chef and I worked very hard!"

Husk looked away, slightly bashful.

"That was all you... I just helped."

"And he learned a valuable lesson, didn't you, Husky?"

Husk rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"Never break the spaghetti noodles."

"Never break the spaghetti noodles."

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