Part 2

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In the morning, Tim wakes up first. Looking down and smiling at his daughter, he gently plays with her hair and she starts to stir.

Tim: "Good morning darling." He places a kiss on her forehead.

Aurora: "Morning daddy."

Tim: "Let's go have breakfast, I'm making pancakes." 

Aurora: "Yay." They went down to the kitchen, Tim started making the batter and looked at Aurora. She was very interested in what Tim was doing.

Tim: "You want to help me make the batter?" She nodded. They worked together to make the mix, then Tim cooked the pancakes while Aurora was watching. Once they were all cooked, they sat down and ate their breakfast.

Aurora: "Mmmm, thanks daddy these are delicious."

Tim: "Your welcome, let's go get ready for our shopping trip." Once ready, Tim helped Aurora into the car then drove to the shops.

Aurora's face lit up when walking around the shopping centre, and Tim was making sure that she had the best day. After they finished shopping, they went home and put everything into the house.

Tim: "Everything is in the house, we can go and put it into you room after we relax for a bit. Did you enjoy your day?"

Aurora: "Yes, this was the best day ever. But could I sleep with you for a bit longer before going to a different room?"

Tim: "Of course sweetie. Also, I have work tomorrow but you will be coming with me."

Aurora: "Okay, you want people to know I'm your daughter?"

Tim: "100%, why are you asking?"

Aurora: "Mummy always told me to hide or go away when people came over, she said that I would embarrass her."

Tim: "Oh darling, I'm not going to hide you at all. Come here." Tim cuddled with his daughter, they sent the rest of the day relaxing, moving her stuff to her room and watching funny tv videos. They were laying in bed cuddling.

Tim: "Hey Aurora, could I use a nickname for you? Like Ro?"

Aurora: "I like that daddy."

Tim: "Okay, night Ro."

Aurora: "Night daddy."

In the morning, they both woke up and got ready for the day ahead. Tim drove to the station and sat in the car park.

Tim: "Ro, are you ready?"

Aurora: "Ready!"

Tim: "Would you like me to carry you or hold your hand."

Aurora: "Could I hold your hand?"

Tim: "Of course." Tim got out and then helped Aurora out. They walk into the station holding hands, which brought attention of the others. Tim and Aurora walked over to Grey's office, Tim knocked.

Grey: "Come in Bradford. Who's this with you?"

Tim: "Well sir, I would like you to meet my daughter Aurora."

Grey: "What? How old is she?"

Tim: "She is three years old, before you ask I only just met her two nights ago."

Grey: "Okay?"

Tim: "It turns out that Isabel was pregnant when she disappeared, I had no clue about Aurora.  Child service went to their place and found Aurora alone, Isabel ran off so now she is in my care. I haven't sorted anything about daycare out yet, as this is all new to me."

Grey: "Okay, you can be station bound until everything is sorted. Don't forget that you get a new rookie this week." 

Tim: "I know, I'll try not to scare them off but if they are not capable of being an officer than it is what it is."

Grey: "I know that. There's three of them coming through the station next week. One of them is the IA commanding officer son, then other one is a forty year old rookie and the last one I have been told is very good. This rookie has been wanted by a number of different stations, they're not at the very top of the class but always ready to learn." Grey paused for a moment.

Grey: "Captain Anderson and myself went to the academy, this rookie is good and I was planning on pairing them with you. But if you get on my bad side at all this week, I will not hesitate to put you with the forty year old rookie." He walks around this desk to Tim and Aurora.

Tim: "Okay sir."

Grey: "Hi Aurora, I'm Wade Grey. It's nice to meet you." Aurora shuffled behind Tim and gripped onto his hand.

Tim: "Sorry she is a bit shy, it took a little bit for her to warm up to me."

Grey: "Okay, just know that Luna and I will be happy to help you out anytime."

Tim: "Thanks sir." Tim picked Aurora.

Tim: "Ro, you're safe. Grey here isn't going to hurt you."

Aurora: "You promise?" She held her pinky out to Tim.

Tim: "I promise." His pinky met hers and they interlaced them together. Tim also gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Grey: "You two are dismissed." Tim nods and they walk out of his office. 

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