Part 5

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Lucy: "Thanks. Well if it wasn't for this lovely girl Aurora, I would have been in that stall all day. Thanks Aurora."

Aurora: "No problem Luce, I just wanted to help you." Aurora and Lucy parted ways, Aurora moved back to Tim and Lucy got up again. Lucy told them not to treat her differently at all.

It has been four months since the rookies have started at the station. All the T.O's continued to be there for Lucy. All the rookies were making progress on their training. Tim and Lucy both started to develop a crush on each other, but neither of them knew. Aurora has started talking more and became more comfortable with other people, and Tim has allowed Aurora to hang out at the station from time to time.

Tim and Aurora were getting ready for bed, Tim tucked her into her bed and sat down.

Tim: "Ro, I have something to ask. How would you feel about me dating someone?" Aurora took a minute.

Aurora: "I want you to be happy, do you have someone you like?"

Tim: "Yeah, yeah I do."

Aurora: "Ooo, do I know her? And who is she?"

Tim: "You definitely know her, she is amazing. Do you want to know who it is?" Aurora nods.

Tim: "It's ... Lucy." Aurora jumped up out of her bed.

Aurora: "No way, you like Ms Chen. She so amazing and kind." She hugs her dad.

Tim: "Well, I was thinking about telling her tomorrow on patrol."

Aurora: "Ok dad."

The next day, Tim was excited and nervous about asking Lucy as he didn't know how she felt. They were driving around when Tim pulled over.

Lucy: "Sir, what's up?"

Tim: "I have something to tell you." Lucy nodded to show she was listening.

Tim: "I don't know how you will react but, I like you. I like you more than a friend." Lucy was shocked but happy that he liked her.

Tim: "You don't need to say anything." Lucy pulled him in and kissed him. He kissed back. They pull away.

Lucy: "I like, like you too. Wait what about Aurora?"

Tim: "I asked her before asking you, she was really excited when I told her that I liked you."

Lucy: "Aww, she is amazing sir."

Tim: "You don't have to call me sir you know."

Lucy: "Okay Tim."

Tim: "What about we have a date night?"

Lucy: "What about Aurora?"

Tim: "We could have a movie night with take out. Ro can join us if you are comfortable with that."

Lucy: "Of course that's fine, she is the most important person in your life." Tim smiled.

Tim: "I'm hoping that there will be another important person joining my life soon." Lucy couldn't believe it as Tim just looked at her.

Lucy: "Me?" Tim nods and pulled her in for another kiss.

Tim: "My place after shift?" Lucy nods. They resume patrol.

After shift, Tim texted his address to Lucy. He arrived home first with Aurora.

Tim: "Ro, I just want to let you know that I'm having a date here. Lucy is coming over soon."

Aurora: "Really?"

Tim: "Yeah, she wanted to make sure that I didn't have to leave you and she wanted to see you again."

Aurora: "Well, we better get ready." They rushed and got ready, then the door bell rang. Aurora asked her father to open the door, he agreed as long as she looked first before opening and knew the person. It was Lucy. Aurora opened the door.

Aurora: "Ms Chen, you look amazingly beautiful." 

Lucy: "Thanks Aurora, you can call me Lucy okay. You look incredible." Lucy walked in and the girls hugged when Tim walked down the stairs.

Tim: "Wow, you both look incredible." Tim walked over and kissed Lucy on the cheek then kissed Aurora on the cheek.

Lucy: "Well you look amazing too." They sat down and talked while waiting for food. Once it arrived they sat on the couch eating.

Lucy: "Hey Aurora, why don't you pick the movie?"

Aurora: "Me?" Lucy nodded. Aurora got up and went to choose a movie. Lucy knew how important it was for her to feel included into things.

Tim (whispers): "Thanks."

Lucy (whispers): "No problem, she just needs to know that she isn't forgotten about and included. With us starting to date, I don't want her to think she is being pushed aside."

Tim: "I know and thanks again." Aurora came back with the movie, Tim got up and helped her put it in the DVD player, they returned to the couch.

Aurora: "Lucy, could I maybe sort of sit on your lap while watching the movie?" She was a bit nervous to ask the question.

Lucy: "Of course, come here." Lucy helped Aurora up on her lap. Tim gestured for Lucy to move closer. Tim wrapped his arm around Lucy holding her close to him. The movie started and they were all cuddled together, Aurora gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek.

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