Part 8

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Time jump: It's the day of Aurora's birthday.

Lucy and Tim got up early, cooked pancakes and then snuck into Aurora's bedroom.

Tim: "Morning Ro, it's time to get up." She stirs.

Lucy: "Morning birthday girl, we have your breakfast for you." Now Aurora is fully awake.

Aurora: "Thank you so much. Come sit please." They all sit in her bed and after a bit of time Tim got everything ready while Lucy was entertaining Aurora.

Lucy helped Aurora get dressed. Everyone arrived and were talking. Lucy and Aurora emerged from the stairs, they were all partying when Tim had to open the door.

Tim: "Isabel? What are you doing here?"

Isabel: "I came to see my daughter."

Tim: "No, your not."

Isabel: "I am."

Tim: "Fine you have 5 minutes with her and if she is uncomfortable then you leave." Isabel walked in and Tim texted Lucy to let her know.

Isabel found Aurora and pulled aside.

Isabel: "Ro ro." She just froze.

Isabel: "Come give mummy a hug."

Aurora: "Your not my mum." Isabel got mad. This got attention from the others.


Aurora: "No, you never cared about me at all."

Isabel: "YOUR TALKING SHIT." Lucy saw how everything was going down, she saw Tim move to walk over but she was quicker. Lucy rushed over and stood in front of Isabel.

Lucy: "Stop talking to her like that. She doesn't deserve any of this that you are giving her."

Isabel: "I don't care, she's my daughter and I will talk to her however I want."

Lucy: "No you won't, she is way nicer than you. You are not going to talk to her like that if I have anything to do about it." Isabel scoffs.

Aurora: "Mummy, can she leave please."

Isabel: "This bitch is that person you think is a mum to you. You are so fucked in the brain." Isabel went to hit Aurora, but Lucy stopped her but as a reflex Isabel slapped Lucy across the face.

Grey: "That's it, you're under arrest Isabel. Hands behind your back." Grey called for an officer to come and collect Isabel.

Aurora was upset with the whole event on her birthday but she was more upset that Lucy got hurt in the process.

Aurora (crying): "Mummy, are you okay?" Everyone just turned to watch what the next things unfold between the two.

Lucy: "Hey, I'm okay."

Aurora: "Thank you for helping me out."

Lucy: "Of course, I always will. I promise that I'm always going to protect you no matter anything." Lucy hugs Aurora and then pulls away. Aurora had a small smile on her face.

Aurora: "Thanks mummy, I know it's my birthday but I have a surprise for you," Tim walks over and hands an envelope to Aurora.

Aurora: "Here mummy, you can open it." Lucy takes the envelope and she opens it. She pulls the papers out and starts reading them, she starts tearing up and looks at Tim.

Lucy: "Babe, are you sure?" Tim nods at Lucy and Lucy looks back at Aurora.

Lucy: "Aurora?"

Aurora: "Mummy, those papers are important so I can ask this question. Mummy, will you adopt me?" Lucy starts crying as she has found herself a family that she wished she had when she was younger.

Lucy: "Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will adopt you. Aura, you have become a daughter for me and I would be honoured to legally become you mum." Lucy picks her up and hugs her.

Tim: "The only thing is that Isabel will have to go to court to see if we can get her parental rights revoked."

Lucy: "We will need an amazing lawyer."

Wesley: "I would be honoured to take your case on, you guys are my friends so of course I'll do it." They thanked Wesley for doing it for them.

Wesley: "All I need you guys to do is fill the paperwork in and I can lodge it with a judge, getting a court date sorted." Lucy walked away and filled in the paperwork.

Lucy: "Here you go. And thank you." Wesley told them that he was going to leave and get this all sorted. 

The rest of the party, Aurora was glued to Lucy. She didn't let Lucy go anywhere alone and Lucy appreciated how Aurora didn't want to leave her side.

Everyone made their way out after the party. Grey went up to them.

Grey: "It's clear that Aurora isn't going to leave your side Lucy, so you will be station bound so that she can stay with you."

Lucy: "Thanks sir."

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