Part 9

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That night, Aurora was cuddling with Lucy when she received a text.

Text Message:

Wesley: Hey Lucy, I have spoke to the judge and gotten a court day for the end of this week at 10am. With the camera footage of what happened today we will be able to use it against Isabel. I'll be in contact if I need anything else.

Lucy: Hey Wesley, thank you so much.

Lucy put her phone down and kisses Aurora head. Tim comes back into the room.

Lucy: "We have court on Friday at 10am, for the adoption and also for what Isabel did."

Tim: "Okay, that's good. Let's relax for the rest of the night so we are ready for work." Aurora came into the room.

Aurora: "Um ... mummy, daddy could I sleep with you please." They agree, Aurora snuggles up to Lucy and Tim cuddles with them.

The next morning, Lucy woke up first and kissed Aurora.

Aurora: "Morning mummy, how is your face feeling?"

Lucy: "Not bad at all, I'm okay. You can stay with me all day."

Aurora: "Yay! Daddy asleep?" Lucy nods.

Aurora: "Daddy, time to wake up. You're late." Tim stirs, then hugs his girls. They get up ready for day.

When they arrive at the station, Tim says goodbye to his girls. Lucy and Aurora were working around the station. Lucy saw how Aurora became interested in things, then Lucy asked if Aurora wanted to try it. They were having a good day until ...

Lucy ran out into the bathroom and threw up.

Aurora: "Mummy, are you okay?"

Lucy: "There's a box in my locker, could you grab it please?" Aurora rushed and got the box. Lucy pulled out the pregnancy text and took one, she waited for the timer to go off.

The text was positive.

Lucy: "Hey sweetie, how do you feel about siblings?"

Aurora: "I would love them, I just don't want to be forgotten."

Lucy: "Never would I forget you. But I'm pregnant, I will be having a baby."

Aurora: "Congrats mummy, we telling daddy?"

Lucy: "Yeah, at lunch which is soon." 

Lunch came around and everyone meant up. Aurora sat on Lucy's lap, she was very cheerful which everyone picked up on.

Tim: "Ro, darling you're happy. What is going on?" Aurora looked at Lucy and she nodded.

Aurora: "Mummy has some news to share with you."

Tim: "Oh really?"

Lucy: "Yeah so, umm ... I'm pregnant." Everyone was shocked.

Tim: "Your pregnant?" Lucy nods. Tim moved quickly pulling Lucy and Aurora into a hug.

Tim: "That's amazing, we having a kid together and Aurora is getting a sister."

Aurora: "Daddy, I'm excited."

Tim: "Me too, but now we need to be nice to mummy and help her out."

Aurora: "Okay daddy."

John: "That's unexpected."

Angela: "Congrats Lucy, Nyla and I are here for you. We are happy to give share some of our knowledge with you."

Nyla: "Honestly, if you need to call or text us."

Lucy: "Thanks girls." Lunch was over for the gang.

Tim: "Bye girls, I love you Ro and I love you Luce." He gave them a hug.

Lucy: "Bye Tim, I'll see you after shift and don't worry Ro will be looked after."

Tim: "I know she will, she's in good hands with her mum." Lucy smiles at him.

Aurora: "Bye daddy, see you later. I'll look after mummy for you. Come on mummy let's go." Tim chuckle at how cute his daughter is and how caring she is for Lucy.

Lucy: "Yes ma'am. Walk or carry?" 

Aurora: "Carry if that's okay." Lucy picks Aurora up, they walked back to the station but were stopped by a man just outside.

Man: "Well hello sexy, cute kid. How about I take you out for a date?" He placed his hand on her arm, Lucy was going to respond but Aurora pushed the man's hand off of Lucy.

Aurora: "Hand's off my mummy. She's with my daddy, so leave us alone."

Man: "Your a rude kid. Seriously you going to tell your daughter off for being a bitch." He raised his hand and Aurora flinched.

Lucy: "You heard my daughter, I'm not interested and I'm taken." The man scoffed and walked away. Aurora was panicking as she got a flashback of her past, she was shaking in Lucy's arms.

Lucy: "Ro, hey I need you to breathe in and out. You're safe, no one is going to hurt you, I'm here with you." Lucy moved Aurora so her head was on Lucy's chest. Aurora calmed down and hugged Lucy tightly.

Lucy: "Flashbacks?" Aurora nods. Lucy tells her that they are going to the break room to spend time together. They walk through the station which caught the attention of the gang. After 5 minutes, Tim came running down to the break room.

Tim: "Everything okay?"

Lucy: "Aurora had a panic attack from something."

Aurora: "A man approached mummy and I, asking mummy on a date. He touched her and I pushed his hand off and told him 'Hand's off my mummy. She's with my daddy, so leave us alone.' "

Lucy: "He said that she was being rude and I should tell her off for being a bitch. He raised his hand and Ro flinched and panicked. After I told him to listen to my daughter and he left."

Tim: "I'm so sorry that happened to you both. Ro I'm so so sorry, princess you okay?"

Aurora: "I will, mummy helped me out."

Tim: "I know she would, she is amazing like that. Could I have a hug?" Aurora hugged her dad.

Lucy: "Remember the court case is tomorrow."

Tim: "I know, everything is prepared. How about you and Ro go home and have some fun. I'll tell Grey." Lucy nods, they say goodbye and the girls head home to relax.

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