Part 10

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It's the morning of the court hearing, Lucy woke up before everyone and went outside with Kojo. A million thoughts were going through her head, but she was most scared of what was going to happen today. Aurora has become Lucy's daughter and Lucy is grateful to have a wonderful child and to have a baby on its way.

Aurora woke up and went to her parents room, she got in and saw that Lucy wasn't there. She woke Tim up in a panic.

Aurora: "Daddy, daddy, daddy wake up. Mummy's not here, where is she? Did she leave?" Tim woke up to an upset Aurora who was panicking, he pulled her close.

Tim: "Ro, she wouldn't leave you as she loves you so much. Let's go around the house to she if she is somewhere else." They got up, Tim carried Aurora around looking for Lucy when they saw her outside and they went outside.

Tim: "Baby?"

Lucy: ".....

Lucy was a bit zoned out with her thoughts.

Aurora: "Mummy." She approached Lucy and tugged at her pants, this pulled Lucy back to reality.

Lucy: "Hey."

Tim: "Baby, you okay?"

Lucy: "I'm just scared for today." Tim and Aurora comforted Lucy telling her that it would be okay. They got ready and arrived at the courthouse, all their friends were there. 

Of course Aurora didn't leave Lucy's side at all, they both needed to be close together. There was a person from Child Services who tried to take Aurora away from Lucy but wasn't successful.

CS Worker: "The child must stay with me in the court room at all times."

Tim: "Your not going to be able to seperate them, there's no way you can." Aurora just clung tight to Lucy not moving a muscle.

CS Worker: "We'll just have to forced the child off of her."

Angela: "No way are you doing that. Lucy here is the only person other the Aurora's father that can calm her down. Those two have been through a lot, no one has managed to seperate the two without a purpose."

CS Worker (angry): "It's the law that the child is seperate from all parties involved." The judge heard the commotion and came out.

Judge: "What seems to be the problem?"

CS Worker: "This child needs to be away from her as there is a court hearing regarding this child, but she wont come with me. They all are telling me not to and they can't be separated but it's against the law so I'm going to have to force the child off her."

Judge: "No, leave it alone. It's okay with me, there is a clear reason why this young girl is clinging to her. Bradford and Chen vs Ms Isabel, your case is now." Everyone walks in and Isabel just scoffs at the sight of her daughter.

Judge: "Now, Ms Isabel you are charged with the assault on a police officer. How do you plead?

Isabel: "Not guilty."

Judge: "Councillor?"

Wesley: "Objection as I have many witness statements that say that Ms Isabel hit Miss Chen across the face and there was video proof." The judge looks through the evidence, she saw how the girl was treated, how Miss Chen stepped in front of the girl and how Isabel in fact hit Lucy.

Judge: "Ms Isabel, your are found guilty of assault. You have been charged. Now for the adoption of Miss Aurora Bradford. Ms Isabel, after looking into your history I have made a decision that you are required to sign over all parental rights of Aurora to her father Mr Bradford."

Isabel: "So that bitch can adopt her, no way." 

Judge: "You don't have a choice in the matter. I would like to try something though, could we see if Aurora will leave and I want to see first hand how she reacts to her biological mum and her adoptive mother." Tim nods.

Tim: "Hey Ro, the judge wants you to move away from Lucy as she wants to see how you react with your bio mum and with Lucy." 

Aurora: "As long as I can go to mummy after." Tim nods, he take Aurora up to the front and sits down.

Judge: "Ms Isabel please approach Aurora." Isabel moved up to Aurora.

Isabel: "Come on Ro ro, give mummy a hug." Aurora was scared, she was closed off and tried to make herself small and tiny. Everyone watched how the interact went. Aurora was zoned out and shaking.

Judge: "Okay that's enough. Ms Isabel sit down. Now Ms Chen could you please approach Aurora." Lucy got up and walked up to Aurora, Lucy place a hand on her shoulder.

Lucy (softly): "Hey Aura, it's me. You're okay, you're safe." Aurora looked up and saw Lucy. She jumped straight into Lucys arms and hugged her tight not letting go at all.

Judge: "Okay, you may return to you seat." Lucy carries Aurora back to the desk.

Judge: "I have decided to -"

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