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I dident see anything at all prince nobody was down here"good man and good night"I said walking up and to the hallway and further up to my room getting in locking the door questioning if I did the right or wrong think I'm mean it could be both it's so hard to know what's right and not of course he could be lying how he said properly anyone is or would but he also seems so innocent and I feel like he is telling the truth I hope I do the right think on to top that I silence everyone with food or money damn what am I doing here I really hope he is what I think or I'm in trouble and helped a bad person

Next morning
I woke up from the sun shining directly in to my window making me groan"prince colby please come to breakfast your parents awaiting you"my maid said knocking on the door"yes I'm coming give me 5 min"I stand up with a strech walking to my bowl filling it with water washing my face going to my chair to get dressed after.. I walk slowly out of my room not awake yet whatsoever I walked down the stairs and along the hall to the giant room I walked in seeing my parents on the table"good morning son"good morning father how was you time yesterday"it was very good and everything okay here"my mother ask yap nothing out of the ordinary I like when I have a bit responsibility"that's good son bc we leave before dinner to go to a theater so you on your own again"wow father being 17 again ha " making my mother shook her head" oh and son one more think please let the dungeon people for me alright "I looked at him my insides are boiling" who said that"it's not your concerns son now go to your room"I stand up walking out slamming the door shut running upstairs in my room locking it ohhh I can't wait that they leave they dident wanted nice colby now there get the horrible colby Noone is snitching here I promise I just walked up and down my room waiting for my parents to leave..... 1h later I hear the horses being excited and so angry you have no idea if blood could boil mine would,10 more agonizing min later I hear them drive away I walked out of my room and downstairs to the middle room off the castle "EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO WORKS IN THIS CASTLE COMES TO ME RIGHT NOW YOU ALL HAVE 1 MIN I yelled so loud the birds stopped singing outside for a sec in less then 30 sec all 12 people stood in front off me looking at me worried or scared or questionable" allllll of you get more work and less pay until I find out who snitched on me with the boy from the dungeon and as soon as I know the person or persons they will be living in the dungeon for the rest off there live with water and breat I was so nice to all off you I can't believe you would do this and don't think I'm joking I'm the king in 4 mouth and I will make sure I hold my promises if I can't trust you, you are replaced real quick now leave " they all looked at me in terror probably not expecting me to do thinks like that they all leave with there heads low me still on fire breathing heavily walking to the big window looking outside seeing the sky so blue the birds singing it was beautiful I took a deep breath walking along the large hall down to the kitchen walking in the room "prince"they said"you know why I'm here" they nodded handing me the plate I looked at them sad and disappointed turning and walking out and the whole hall back and down to the dungeon the guard just walked out off the way and out the door like the last 2 times without me saying anything waiting outside I took the candle opening Sam's door"prince colby"he bend down "you can stand up"I know it probably is not my business but are you okay prince I heard you yell so loud "yes sam I'm okay here is your lunch" I handed him his plate seeing the blanket in the way back in the corner knowing at least he does what I said " we just have some snitches here and I don't tolerate this at all,in no circumstance" I understand that prince nobody likes people like this and I pretty sure you will be an amazing king you have consequences but still heart "thank you sam that is really nice of you I hope I will be I don't want people to walk over me if they know I believe everything or easy to persuade or something" I don't believe that prince I'm pretty sure you know what lies are and not and what are real crimes or just mistakes "" I know but if not a whole kingdom is over "I said" hey don't think like that you will know what's right and wrong but of course you have to be horrible as well sometimes or stand your ground you can't be nice to everyone that's for sure and you also will have your wife " I looked down for now I don't even have one and as you might know I have to choose one frome the other castles but I don't want to" why is that prince " bc I want real love not the love I have to have just bc it's another princess" ohhh I definitely understand that but I guess there is no other option right "probably not I mumbled looking up and if I'm allowed to ask you have a girlfriend or something" he looked down wanting to anwser but closed his mouth "what's wrong" I ask I better not say prince I don't wanne get hung or something "I looked at him with my eyebrows reast until it klicked"you like boys right "I whispered" yes prince please don't do anything to me "he whispered his voice shaking" hey first of all I won't tell anyone and sec who you wanne love is not my business unless it's something disgusting like children and so on "noooo I would never do that and thank you so much prince" one last question would you be willing to work in our Kitchen you know for you to get out off here and get a tiny but warm and ligth room " yes of course I would I love to make food and I would do anything to get out of here it's so horrible and scary here"okay I will see what I can do okay and I bring you your dinner later " thank you so much" he said me standing up bye sam I said walking out closing the door and walk out completely looking at the guard for a sec before leaving I made sure my look, looked serious I walked up the stairs and to the front I needed to go outside for a bit I walked past the guards as they bent down I walked the path to the marked I decided to go to I walked all the way there it was a 20 min Walk or more but I don't care I needed to go somewhere and do something I'm going insane when I'm just at home soon I'm came in to the town I have to edmit it looked beautiful

 1h later I hear the horses being excited and so angry you have no idea if blood could boil mine would,10 more agonizing min later I hear them drive away I walked out of my room and downstairs to the middle room off the castle "EVERY SINGLE PERSON...

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I walked over a bridge coming up to the marked "prince colby is here"someone yelled making all people bent over making me groan inside bc I never can be anywhere without people making me special you know,I walked to a clothes seller looking at his clothes I take these 4 thinks I pointed to them"I'm honored prince colby" he said taking the clothes down he folded then and give them to me I payed the man even though he dident wanted my money but I insisted walking through the marked more getting some sweet things some candles and some fruit just looking around for an hour or so just to finally see something else my father would be mad at me for going alone but for God sake I'm 17 I want time alone and if I die then so be it anyways, "have a good day everyone"I said before leaving the marked "you to Prince colby" they said in unison bending down I walked back over that bridge seeing all the cute little houses and green grass as far as you can see with cheep on it I slowly walked back not being in a hurry at all seeing the sun on the other side now so it has to be 4 - 5 my parents probably back already so they can take care off the castle it was so nice today but for some reason my only deep thought was sam and how I can help him I know you would say colby its just a 16 year old boy there are hundreds yes I know but he is there already and he can't anything for his situation he did not wish for it and definitely don't deserve to be there just for not knowing where to be I was just happy I bought him something to give him but when he is out off that hole

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