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"colby come down to your father's room he wants to discuss something"our maid said standing on my door making me groan knowing what he wants it's always the same since I'm 17 now it's the you need a wife think and the you will be a king thing all the time I can't have any fun or go somewhere or do something prince or not I'm 17 I groaned standing up tell him I'm there in a min she nodded walking out and closing the the door behind her I walked to my dresser taking out a hoodie bc apparently my dad likes it ice cold in his room I take my time to go bc it's just stressing me out how I wished I where born normal or that I could just run away I walked out of my room closing it walking the stone stairs down to there room slowly bc did I mention I don't want to I came to his door taking a long breath before knocking"come in"I heard so I opend the door walking in"oh son please take a seat" I rolled my eyes knowing his behavior when he's nice it's alsways the same"what did you want father" I ask I wanted to tell you that in 3 mouth is your gathering with all the princesses from the othere kingdoms for you to choose your wife and in 4 mouth to your birthday is the ball you deside, then you are 18 and the new king "father I told you many times before I don't want that just bc there other kingdoms dosent mean I have to get one from there what if I don't like any you really want me to get 1, just to have someone wow you really have to love your son" I said angrily "son you know that's not true or was I ever mean to you but it's for 100000 years and you want to marry some marked woman or what" maybe if I love her it dosent mean she can't be a good wife we don't life in the 16 hundreds anymore father "okay but you also don't even know of 1 of these 12 could be what your looking for right so could please look at them first and get to know them a bit" I groaned "okay under one condition until then I want to make more thinks 17 year old do" and that would be my father ask" I don't go out the castle and walk around a bit or party a bit or meet any other people you can't tell me you dident or at least wanted that to when you where young I want to do something before Im the king" he though for a moment then looked at me " okay fine butttt you have to tell Frieda where you going anytime you leave that we know for emergencies andddd no one from reveals side you understand" yes father I understand "and no over do you can't be out partying everyday until 6 in the morning" yes father I understand I just want to life a little bit and I promise I will be honest with the woman you will bring " good son we have a deal" he finished when it knocked "yes" he called "sir we need you we captured a man lingering around the castle very suspiciously" bring him in the dungeon until I'm there"he nodded walking out" go to your room and if you need anything you know where to go " he said walking out the door some poor soul again I didn't even wanne know what my father is doing with them or where they are but it's not my problem I walked out the room and up the stone steps again to my room walking in and closing and locking the room not believing I agreed to that I flopped down on my bed thinking about what I could do today I don't wanne sit in my room all day maybe I can just adventure around just walk get outside so I go to my dresser getting some other clothes and a jacket bc it's pretty cold outside I put on all my clothes walking out and down the stairs seeing Frieda "im going outside walking around a bit my father and I have an agreement I tell someone before I go" okay prince will you be back for lunch "yes Frieda im back by then" I answered walking off seeing the guards on the door when I walk past them they bent down for me but I hate it I so wish I was a normal person yes being a prince sounds probably so nice to others but it's like a prison you can't do anything I wouldn't probably care if I was already 50 but at my age you wanne do something I just took a deep breath outside looking around it was so nice outside even though it was cold but all the greenery it was beautiful I just started to walk down a little path coming up in to some sort of wood at least a few trees hearing the birds,I don't know when I heard them the last time the sun was shining through the trees and fresh air smell I know sounds stupid but it's true I walked at least 10 more min when I saw a little stream with a bridge over it but many wood panels where broken nobody seem to be here ever I mean what do you want here right I looked around more seeing some sort off camp but the house was leaves and wood *what the hell *is someone lingering here I walked slowly up to it looking right and left not to get a bad surprise I peeked inside seeing some sort of blanket and food leftovers or better bones and fruit someone definitely lives here or lived here should I call my father it could be a very bad think that they plan something and camp out her someone lives on the kingdom grounds I guess I see if something happens then I tell them where they live or lived I decided to walk back to the bridge and just sit down for a few min just looking around taking in the sounds and the sun it was so peaceful here I leaned my head back on the tree just closing my eyes for a sec after I'm guessing half an hour I stood up ready to walk back bc I'm was hungry so it had to be around lunch time I slowly walked back all the way to the castle being greeted by the guards again I walked in seeing the maid carry some bread and water making me curious I walked up to her "what is this for" I ask her"that's for the boy in the dungeon prince"I nodded then stopping "wait did you say boy"yes prince he is not older then 16 " I looked at her" alright carry on I'm in my room " she nodded walking off I walked in to the house walking up the tight rock stairs to my room I walked in locking the door taking off my shoes and jacket but now the thought of a young boy here dosent leave me I mean I don't know what he did but my father can't lock down a kid and starve or murder them we are not in 1430 anymore what can I do to at least see him or talk to him for a sec or should I even do that I mean normally I don't care at all bc it's my father's business but a kid or at least so young come one what could he even had done I walked back and forth in my room to decide what to do but I mean what can happens to see 1 time and also nobody can stop me because they have a problem then okay I do it after lunch I go down and look if he really is a child I have to talk to my father I walked to my bed laying down for a moment taking my book I was in the middle of reading when it knocked at my door "yes" I answered "colby lunch is ready please come downstairs" thank you I'm there in a min " she nodded walking out and if you are wondering why she's calling me colby I insisted bc I hate that anyone just says prince I just walked out the door and all the way down stairs quickly bc I was hungry as hell I walked in the giant dining room seeing all the food I sit down getting the plate first bc let's say they all know me and I get angry when hungry I laughed to myself I take the first bite and another one "son please eat slow you wanne choke" my mother laughed "I'm sorry mother I'm just so hungry" we can see that son but you know you can go to the kitchen and they make you something right " yes father I know and what are you and mother do today" I ask just to have a conversation " your mom and I are invited to a fest in the kingdom so we going" I nodded "sounds boring when do you leave" it's not son we eat drink and dance and we leave in 2h so you have the say until where back don't do anything what makes us look bad you understand young man " yes father I understand can I please leave the table" yes you can if you need something tell Frieda okay " yes mother" I answered walking out the dining room in 2h they leave that's perfect then

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