Chapter 25

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Chase and I went to stop by his room after we finished unpacking and arranging my stuff.

"Nice room you got here. So... you." I smiled as I stood by his door.

"What do you mean 'so you'? And hey, aren't you gonna come in?" Chase asked as he walked to his drawer.

"You didn't invite me in." I joked.

"Seriously?" Chase asked.

"You said we're just gonna stop by, so I'd rather just wait here."

"Okay." Chase said as he turned his back on me.

"I was only joking! You're such a baby, you know that?"

"Your baby?" Chase smirked.

"Shut up." I made a face and went inside.

"Don't forget to close the door, please." Chase said as he rummaged through his stuff.

Chase and Josh's room was not the typical guy room one may have seen... or maybe it was the first guys room I've ever went to, I mean, beside my Dad's and cousins of course, but it was actually... neat. The arrangement of their room is similar to our room. Chase's area was situated on the far end of the room – his bed a few steps away from the window pane, just like mine. His drawer and cabinet are at the edge of his bed, beside their bathroom. Josh's area on the other hand, was situated near the door. Their walls were filled with posters of famous football superstars. Josh's bed was beside the wall, his cabinet and drawer on the opposite side. They have a corner table for which they have a pile of magazines for guys. You know, all about sports, cars and other 'interesting' stuff.

"What are you looking for?" I asked as I sat down his bed.

"My gray hoodie, I'm sure it's in here somewhere."

"Ummm, it's with me, remember? You let me borrow it last time. I'm sorry."

"Oh, nah it's okay."

"Are you sure you're not cold?"

"Yep. Don't worry. I still have 4 more left." Chase winked.

"I'll return it as soon as I got it back from the laundry tomorrow."

"Ella, it's okay. Don't worry." Chase smiled and plopped down on his bed, landing on the spot beside me. I gazed around the room and saw their small 'collection'.

"Okay. Hmm... interesting collection ya got here." I chuckled.

"Don't act like you've never read one." Chase eyed me.

"That's because I haven't." Well this is awkward...

"Well what about those books with dominant and submissive stuff? Isn't that the same?" Chase said as he sat up.

"Are we seriously having this discussion?" I asked, cheeks turning red.

"Haha! Ahrayt. I'll end this discussion before you turn into a tomato. So, let's go! I'm starving." He stood up, holding the box of brownies.

"Where are we going?"

"Do you trust me?"

"No. You could be a murderer."

"Well that's harsh. You leave me with no choice then." Chase grinned, took my hand, dragged me out of their room and locked the door behind him.

"Seriously though, where are we going?"

"To the Hanging Garden... it's quite peaceful there at this time of the night, especially during Sundays. And you'll love the view, I promise." Chase smiled.

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