Shadows of Time - (Dhruv-Shubi-Ro-Vi)

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After the exciting victory of the India in test series, the Indian cricket team gathered to celebrate their triumph with a well-deserved dinner. Amidst the clinking of glasses and hearty laughter, there was an unmistakable sense of accomplishment that permeated the air. As the night progressed, the celebrations began to wind down, and the players dispersed to their respective rooms. Some players retire to their rooms for much-needed rest after the intense series, while some crash into their teammates' rooms to play PS5 for some post-match bonding. Despite the temptation of joining his teammates for a round of PS5 or engaging in lively discussions, Rohit decided to retire back to his room and as he settled on the black couch of the hotel room, he decided to call his Rithika and Samira. Rohit was engaged in a heartfelt conversation with his wife and daughter, over a video call. Their laughter and warmth permeated the digital divide, momentarily bridging the physical distance between them. As the call came to an end, Rohit rose from the couch, a sense of contentment lingering in his heart. However, as he walked towards the white French windows to draw the grey curtains close, Rohit paused, his hand hovering over the curtains, as he observed two figures sitting down in the ground of the hotel garden, upon squinting his eyes to see better in the darkness of the night, he realized that the figures were none other than, Dhruv and Shubhman. 

They were silently sitting on the ground of the hotel garden, under the dim glow of a nearby lamppost. He could sense an air of contemplation surrounding them, a stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere that had filled the room just moments ago. Curiosity getting the better of him, Rohit decided to join them. He quietly stepped out of his hotel room and swiftly locked the door. As he made his way towards the staircase leading to the hotel garden, Rohit couldn't shake off the feeling of intrigue about what Dhruv and Shubhman might be contemplating under the night sky. Descending the stairs with measured steps, Rohit finally reached the entrance that led to the hotel's garden. Stepping outside, he felt the cool night air hit his face, bringing with it a sense of calm after the excitement of the day. The hotel garden was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the neatly trimmed lawns and the occasional flower bed. The lampposts scattered throughout the area provided just enough light to see, yet retained an aura of mystery, leaving plenty concealed in the darkness. With a gentle smile adorning his face, Rohit approached Dhruv and Shubhman, two younger boys who seemed lost in their own thoughts. His demeanor was warm and friendly as he reached out to ruffle their hair, a gesture of familiarity and affection. 

"What happened, Jurel and Gill Sirs?" he inquired, his tone light but observant. 

While, Dhruv and Shubhman sat with their back straight, their eyes fixed on a point in the distance as if searching for answers within the depths of their own thoughts. Dhruv's eyes, usually alight with mischief or excitement, were now shadowed with a seriousness that belied his youthful appearance. His lips, which often curved into a mischievous grin, were now pressed together in a thoughtful line. Beside him, Shubhman sat with a similar expression. His usually lively eyes, filled with the spark of competition, were now reflective and distant. His jaw was set, his gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance, lost in the world of his own thoughts. Dhruv and Shubhman turned their heads in surprise and looked up to see, only to find Rohit standing behind them, their expressions shifted from deep thought to a mixture of astonishment and amusement at Rohit's arrival. Dhruv was the first to respond, his faint smile betraying his initial surprise,

"Oh, nothing much, bhai. Just enjoying the peace and quiet after the celebrations," he explained, his tone casual but tinged with underlying seriousness. 

Shubhman nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's nice to just sit here and reflect after such an intense series. Helps clear the mind," he added, his voice carrying a hint of thoughtfulness. 

Rohit nodded understandingly, his gaze shifting to the two half-filled blue cups of hot coffee nearby. With a chuckle, he couldn't resist teasing them, "Looks like you guys are taking the tradition of ICT forward, hmm?" Rohit's teasing comment drew a chuckle from both Dhruv and Shubhman. 

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