Rohit and Virat's Not-So-Quiet Night of 'Bestie Bliss'

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Rohit exhausted after a successful yet tiring match, was sleeping peacefully on the comfortable white queen-sized bed, of the hotel. He was wrapped up in the cozy white comforter, which kept him warm in the winter of Ranchi. The room was dimly lit by a small lamp next to the bed, making the space feel cozy and calm. The rhythmic hum of the air conditioner made a gentle noise in the quiet room, like a calming song that helped Rohit slip deeper into his peaceful slumber. Rohit seemed completely unaware of everything, lost in his world of sleep. Now, now, now, one thing in Rohit's life is certain, his fate and a certain someone loves disturbing his peaceful slumbers. Suddenly, the peaceful environment of Rohit's room was violently shattered as the door burst open with a loud thud. A figure stormed in, his face filled with a mixture of frustration and jealousy. He couldn't hide the irritation that had built up within him, after watching the match earlier that day. 

"Rohit! Seriously?" The figure exclaimed, his voice cutting through the calmness of the room.

Rohit stirred slightly but remained in his peaceful sleep, undisturbed by the figure's abrupt entrance. This only intensified the figure's frustration, "ROHIT GURUNATH SHARMA WAKE UP!"

The figure shouted, emphasizing each word as he approached Rohit's bed. Rohit, still lost in the depths of his peaceful slumber, showed no immediate signs of waking up despite the loud disturbance. The figure, growing increasingly frustrated, reached the bedside and decided to take more direct action. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, the figure leaned over and grabbed a nearby pillow. Without hesitation, he raised the pillow high above Rohit's head and then brought it down with a soft but deliberate thud. The impact, though not harsh, was enough to jolt Rohit awake. His eyes flew open, and for a moment, he stared in confusion at the figure standing beside him. Still, half-asleep and disoriented Rohit, blinked his eyes rapidly as he tried to make sense of the situation. The mischievous glint in the figure's eyes became evident as he folded his arms, staring down at Rohit with a mixture of irritation and amusement revealing himself to be none other than Virat, a certain someone who is basically like Rohit's first wife. But Rohit, still groggy from sleep, tried to make sense of the situation.

"God, I am missing that idiot Vi, so much, that now his hallucinations are invading my dreams, too," Rohit mumbled, his words slightly muffled by the pillow he had unconsciously buried his face into.

Virat's irritation transformed into a bemused expression Folding his arms, he regarded Rohit with a raised eyebrow. 

"Hallucinations? Really, Ro? This is not a dream you idiot, I am really here." 

Rohit lifted his head up from the pillow and squinted his eyes at Virat, attempting to confirm the reality of Virat's presence. Rohit wore a bemused expression as he uttered, "Vi? Wait, you're actually here?" 

Virat shot a glare at Rohit "Yes Ro, I'm really here. In the flesh, not a hallucination or a dream. But seriously, how can you sleep after doing that?" 

"Vi, what's going on? Why are you here?" Rohit mumbled half asleep, rubbing his eyes and trying to make sense of the situation, but suddenly he stopped rubbing his eyes as finally the realization of Virat's presence sunk in, and his grogginess began to fade. A wide grin spread across Rohit's face, dispelling any remnants of sleepiness. "Vi! You're really back!" he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with joy. 

He quickly threw the pillow aside and moved to give Virat a warm, enthusiastic hug. Before Rohit could rise from his bed, Virat directed a pointed finger at him, causing him to halt abruptly.

"Wait, Ro! You're not getting away that easily. We need to talk." Virat's stern expression returned a stark contrast to the playful banter from moments ago. 

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