Unexpected Lovely Encounter - (Rohika)

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Ritika sat in the backseat of a taxi, her gaze fixed on the raindrops racing down the windowpane. Each droplet traced a unique path, merging and diverging as they slid across the glass, distorting the view of the city outside. The urban landscape appeared as a blur of gray buildings and shimmering reflections from streetlights and neon signs. She sighed annoyingly, now don't get her wrong, she loved the rain, she really did.

There was something about the sound of rain tapping on the roof and the way it made everything look like it was wrapped in a silvery sheen that she found soothing. But today was different. Today, the rain was just another obstacle. It had already delayed her flight, and now it was making traffic crawl at a snail's pace. She checked her watch for the tenth time in as many minutes, her irritation mounting.

She was supposed to be at her cousin's wedding reception, a family event she had been looking forward to for months. It wasn't just a celebration; it was a chance to reconnect with cousins she hadn't seen in years. The thought of being stuck in traffic while the festivities began made her sigh again, louder this time. Ritika closed her eyes in frustration, leaning back on the seat of the taxi. Ritika closed her eyes in frustration and leaned back on the seat of the car.

The rhythmic swish of the windshield wipers and the dull hum of the engine filled the taxi's interior. The rain continued its relentless dance on the windows, blurring the world outside into a watercolor of gray and mist. Despite her efforts to stay calm,she lost herself in thoughts of the wedding reception she was missing, the taxi suddenly jolted to a stop.

The door swung open with a creak, breaking the rhythm of raindrops on the window. Startled, she blinked and looked up, her heart skipping a beat at the sight before her. A man, drenched from head to toe, slid into the seat beside her. He shook his head vigorously, spraying droplets in a halo around him, and offered an apologetic, sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that."

He mumbled, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through the small space.

Ritika felt a curious flutter in her chest at the sound of his voice—sweet yet husky, it carried a warmth that made the chill of the rain outside seem distant. Ritika's gaze shifted towards him, her surprise evident as her eyes widened. She couldn't help but notice just how thoroughly drenched he was. His white shirt clung to his torso, plastered against his skin and accentuating his muscular frame. The damp fabric outlined the contours of his broad shoulders and well-defined chest, emphasizing the physicality beneath.

Droplets of water cascaded down from his hair, dark and slightly curly, each strand laden with moisture. Some strands clung to his forehead, framing his face in a disheveled yet strangely captivating manner. His eyes, a deep and intense shade of hazel brown, met hers briefly, a hint of amusement flickering within them. Her gaze involuntarily trailed downward, and she caught a glimpse of his well-defined abs through the translucent fabric of his shirt. Her breath hitched, and a warm flush spread across her cheeks, her mind was momentarily distracted by the unexpected sight before her. She tried to tear her eyes away, but it was as if they had a mind of their own, drawn to the sight of the guy next to her.

As Ritika's thoughts lingered on the unexpected sight before her, the taxi suddenly jolted to a stop, trapped in a dense traffic jam. The honking of cars and the murmur of impatient voices brought her back to the present moment, she blinked rapidly and shook her head. She turned to the driver and asked, "How long do you think this will take?"

The taxi driver glanced at Ritika in the rearview mirror, his expression reflecting the exasperation of navigating through the gridlocked traffic.

"Hard to say, miss," he replied with a hint of resignation in his voice. "Could be a while with this rain. Seems like everyone's out and about tonight."

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