A Cup of Jealousy - (MahiSakshi)

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MS Dhoni sat quietly in a cozy corner of the bustling café of the luxury hotel, the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of cups creating a soothing backdrop, but his usually composed demeanor was slightly betrayed by the subtle furrow of his brow. He did have his favorite book open in front of him, his fingers absently playing with the edges of the pages as he leaned back in his chair. Even the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint scent of vanilla from the white candle on his table, was anything but comforting for him right now.

Dhoni's eyes were partially focused on the text, but his mind seemed to wander, lost in thoughts as he absentmindedly flipped through the pages. The book, a well-worn favorite, was a collection of classic short stories by Ruskin Bond, one of his few favorite authors. Yet today, even the enchanting tales of Bond couldn't seem to pull him from the whirlpool of his thoughts.

It was like the words seemed to blur together, unable to hold his attention, desperate to distract himself from the unfolding scene before him, he absentmindedly raised his coffee cup to his lips, taking a long sip of what he presumed to be his usual vanilla-flavored coffee. Yet, lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the subtle change—instead of the familiar vanilla, the coffee had been sweetened with hazelnut syrup, a detail that escaped his distracted senses entirely.

Okay, this is strange because MS not noticing such minute details was as unusual as Rohit and Virat not engaging in their usual daily fights. But, we can't blame him for this unusual behavior of his. Now, now, now, his teammates often joked about his ability to notice the smallest changes in their surroundings or behaviors. But today, something else was in his mind.

Meanwhile, across the café, Sakshi, his wife, had unexpectedly run into Rudransh, a high school friend with whom she shared many traits and memories. They chatted animatedly, catching up on old times, their laughter and easy camaraderie catching Dhoni's attention despite his efforts to focus elsewhere. He found himself glancing their way more often than he intended, he felt a pang of unfamiliar emotion stirred within him.

It wasn't a feeling he could easily identify or understand, or maybe, just maybe he did. But was too hesitant to acknowledge it fully that he was Jealous. And we wouldn't blame him either, as MS and jealousy in the same sentence, is almost laughable. Yet here he was, grappling with an emotion so foreign, that it left him unsettled. Despite his best efforts to focus on the coffee and the stories of Bond, Dhoni's mind kept drifting back to the sight of Sakshi enjoying herself so thoroughly with someone else.

It wasn't that he didn't trust her—he trusted her and would always do. It was more the realization of how much her happiness mattered to him, and how much he wanted to be the one sharing in that joy. He tried to remind himself that Rudransh was just an old friend, that there was nothing to worry about. But unfortunately, he couldn't explain that, to the gnawing feeling in his gut. The usually unflappable MS Dhoni, who could maintain his composure under the most intense pressure on the cricket field, found himself struggling with a simple, human emotion.

As he stole another glance, he saw Sakshi playfully nudge Rudransh's shoulder, laughing at something he said. The sight stirred something within Dhoni, a flicker of jealousy that he couldn't ignore. With each shared moment between Sakshi and Rudransh, it grew into an unsettling blaze, tightening into a knot in his stomach that he couldn't shake. Dhoni took a deep breath trying to calm his jealousy down, as he shook his head, trying to dispel the unwelcome thought. Dhoni again lifted his cup, intending to take a sip of coffee, only to find it empty.

With a soft sigh, he gestured discreetly to a passing waiter, silently requesting another cup. As he awaited the refill, his eyes wandered back to Sakshi and Rudransh, conflicted thoughts swirling in his mind. The waiter returned with a fresh cup of coffee, its rich aroma wafting through the air as he placed it gently on the table, silently acknowledging Dhoni's presence before retreating discreetly. Dhoni, lost in his thoughts, found himself drawn back to his book, attempting to immerse himself once more in Ruskin Bond's tales. Yet, the words still seemed to blur together, his mind preoccupied with the scene unfolding before him. He closed the book gently, setting it aside with a sigh.

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