Chaos to Post-IPL Tradition - (Jinks-Jadeja-Ro-Vi)

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In the heart of Mumbai, the bustling city that never stops for anyone, Jinks found a rare moment of peace in his own house. The relentless sound of cheering crowds, the whirlwind of matches, victories, defeats, the electric atmosphere of the IPL stadium, and the pressure of the game had all finally come to an end. It was the year 2012, and with the conclusion of another exciting IPL season, Jinks was left with a sense of both relief and nostalgia. As the dawn delicately crept into his room, the soft morning light filtered through the thin fabric of sheer black curtains, casting a warm golden glow over the room. Jinks who was sleeping peacefully on his grey queen-sized bed, stirred from his slumber when the ray of sunlight hit his face, his eyelids slowly fluttering open to greet the gentle kiss of dawn. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he gazed around his room, taking in the familiar sights that offered solace amidst the chaos of the cricket season. He sat up and stretched lazily, feeling the tension of the past months slowly dissipating from his muscles. With a contented sigh, Jinks removed the grey comforter and swung his legs over the side of the bed, he reached out for his worn-out, yet comfortable, pair of navy blue slippers resting beside his bed. He slid his feet into them and padded across the room, the soft red carpet muffled the sounds of his footsteps, as he made his way towards the door. 

As he stepped out of his room and made his way across the hall towards the kitchen, he completely overlooked the three red bags scattered around his hall. Entering the kitchen, Jinks grabbed a glass and walked over to the black water filter. With a practiced hand, he filled the glass with lukewarm, refreshing water. Jinks took a long sip, relishing the coolness of the water as it quenched his parched throat. He leaned against the kitchen counter, enjoying the stillness of the early morning. As he took another sip of water, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee traveled into his nose, making him confused and a familiar voice shattered the comfortable silence.

"Morning Jinks, want some coffee?" Jaddu's voice echoed through the kitchen, breaking Jinks' thoughts. 

Startled, Jinks choked on the water he was drinking, coughing violently as the lukewarm liquid went down the wrong pipe. Meanwhile, Virat who was seated comfortably on the smooth, cool surface of the green marble countertop, was munching on a biscuit from a vibrant blue container. However, seeing Jinks in distress, Virat reacted swiftly despite his mouth still being full of biscuits, Virat's instincts took over. With a swift motion, he set aside the half-eaten biscuit container, the urgency in Jinks's coughing not escaping his notice. Pushing himself off the countertop, Virat's feet met the white tiled floor with a soft thud as he hurried towards his friend. Concern etched across his features, he closed the distance between them in quick steps, his eyes scanning Jinks for any signs of further distress, as he patted his back to ease his coughing. 

"Easy there, Jinks," Virat said, his voice calm yet filled with concern. "Take deep breaths, yaar..It is okay." 

Jinks, still recovering from his coughing fit, nodded gratefully as he managed to catch his breath. He held up his left hand to signal that he was okay, while his right hand gripped the counter for support as he regained his composure. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, while Rohit, who had been taking out the coffee cups, noticed the commotion from the corner of his eye. Quickly setting down the black coffee cups on the counter. He rushed over to Jinks with a glass of water in hand, his expression mirroring Virat's concern. With a gentle yet urgent demeanor, Rohit reached Jinks and extended the glass of water towards him. 

"Here, Jinks," Rohit said softly, his tone carrying a mixture of worry and reassurance. "Take it easy, man. Here, have some water, it'll help." 

Jinks gratefully accepted the glass from Rohit, offering him a weak but appreciative smile. From his position at the counter, Jaddu glanced over at Jinks, concern evident in his eyes as he called out, "Jinks, you okay there? Didn't mean to startle you, buddy." Jaddu said, with his voice laced with genuine concern. Jinks nodded, weakly, still catching his breath. 

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