ICT Boys And Their Never-Ending Havoc of Jealousy! Part 2

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Ashwin closed his eyes and threw his head back, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he leaned back on the black leather sofa of his hotel room. His brows furrowed and his jaw tightened, reflecting the inner turmoil that churned in his mind. Was he overreacting?

The question lingered in his mind. Finally, after a good few minutes of contemplation, he arrived at the realization that he was merely reacting to the situation, rather than overreacting to it. He opened his eyes, as he pulled out his black mobile phone from the pocket of his blue sweatpants, Ashwin hesitated for a moment, his thumb hovering over the screen. At last, he shrugged off all the thoughts and decided to video call the rest of the guys.

Settling back into the comfort of the sofa, Ashwin tapped a few times on his mobile before he clicked on, 'Spin & Swing Squad'. Yes, that was the name of their WhatsApp group, and whose idea was to name the group with that title? Well, Jadeja could proudly claim credit for its creative inception. Ashwin clicked on the video call icon on the group. The familiar WhatsApp ringtone echoed through the room as he waited for the others to join. One by one, the familiar faces of his friends appeared on the screen

First, there was Rohit, lounging casually with a cup of coffee. Then, Bhuvi's face popped up on the screen, but he looked far from pleased. His brows were furrowed, and there was a slight frown on his face, as he barely glanced at the camera. Before either Rohit or Ash could ask Bhuvi anything, Jinks's face popped up on the screen, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. He was sitting next to Jaddu, who was animatedly whining about something, gesturing wildly with his hands.

Jinks rolled his eyes at Jaddu's animated complaints and sighed, "Do you ever shut up Jaddu?"

Jaddu chuckled, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he retorted, "Yes when I sleep," he quipped with a playful grin and teasing tone.

Bhuvi rolled his eyes and, with a heavy dose of sarcasm, chimed in, "Then I hope, you sleep for a full day so that we can get some peace and quiet around here."

Bhuvi's comment earned light chuckles from Rohit, Ash, and Jinks, while Jaddu's playful grin faltered for a moment, replaced by a mock hurt expression. He dramatically placed a hand over his heart, feigning deep offense.

"Ouch, Bhuvi, that hurt," he exclaimed dramatically, his eyes widening in feigned pain. "Why are you so snappy today? Did you have a fight with Nupur?" he added, his tone dripping with exaggerated melodrama.

Bhuvi royally ignored Jaddu's teasing and instead addressed Rohit who was taking a sip of coffee, "Ro, where did your bestie wander off to this time?"

Rohit set his cup down on the brown coffee table in front of him before replying with a tinge of annoyance mixed with a hint of jealousy flickering across his features as he replied, "God knows, Bhuvi, nowadays, Vi isn't even talking to me for more than 15 minutes, and today... today he didn't even pick up my call. Can you believe that?!?!" he said with a frustrated shake of his head.

Bhuvi, with a nod, responded, "Oh, I can certainly believe it. Cause he is busy going-"

Before Bhuvi could finish his sentence, Ash interrupted him Bhuvi, "Busy going around giving promises of treats and movies to youngsters."

Jinks leaned forward slightly, his curiosity piqued by Ash's interruption. "What's that, Ash?" he asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he directed his attention towards Ash, waiting for an explanation.

Ash's voice carried a subtle hint of jealousy as he began to express his thoughts, his words laced with a mixture of frustration and admiration. "So, you guys know how it is with Vi and the juniors. They're all over him, wanting his time and attention. I won't be surprised if they compete for his affection. They're making plans for street food and movie nights after the IPL. And the worst part? It was Vi who proposed these ideas, fueling their enthusiasm even further. It's just getting ridiculous, don't you all think?"

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