My Dumb Little Idea

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In the early hours of the morning, or you can say late hours of the night, four young adults, okay, they ain't even fully young adults, two of them just turned 18 and another two just turned 17 a few months ago, raced for their lives, one by one, as their "friends" fell, taken down by the relentless stranger chasing them.

One of the young adults, unable to bear the pace any longer, slowed to a stop. As the young guy turned to face his fate, he saw the shadowy figure closing in on him, and he looked up directly into that person's eye and with a dry smirk, whispered,

"God, that was rough."

Moments later, he was tackled to the ground, captured, and handcuffed. These young adults were not the victims in this case, but rather, the predators.

They had mercilessly taken the life of their coach who had been guiding them but whom they saw as an obstacle to their dreams of making it big in cricket, and now, with the thrill of chase gone... they felt at ease.
Because they knew they could and would get away with it.

However, Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli—two unknown but known strangers—surprisingly entered their lives, and everything took a 360-degree turn.

Virat and Rohit had heard whispers about the crime these, talented but troubled group of young cricketers did and decided to investigate. Why wouldn't they?

After all, the accused young adults were none other than their own kiddos - Jasprit, Rahul, Rishab and Hardik were the accused young adults.

Rohit and Virat firmly believed their boys could never commit such a heinous act. But were Rohit and Virat so blinded in their kiddos' love, that they were not able to see the real faces of their kiddos'. Were those four young adults the real culprits? Did the authorities do their job with utmost loyalty and catch the correct culprits?

Or, the main question remains: Are the witnesses who happened to be allegedly there at the crime scene, are Really Telling the Truth?

But one thing was sure, once Rohit and Virat gets to know the truth, they will be reeling in disbelief, questioning everything they thought they knew about their kiddos and themselves. The world they had meticulously built around trust, love, and cricket will crumble, leaving them to face a reality that would shake the foundations of their lives and careers.

Why did I post this here?
IDK..felt like it so did it...Might as well delete this later LMAO.

To be honest, yesterday night I was going through my drafts and saw this plot idea of mine, a very old one tho..very dark it is ...but thought to share it here with ya you know get your thoughts on it.

Ps. In few hours I will publish the part 2 of the jealousy saga wait for it a little bit more yeah.

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