Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

As the morning rays filtered through the curtains, Tanushree slowly opened her eyes, smiling at the warmth of the new day. Turning to face her husband's broad, sculpted back, her smile faded as she noticed the numerous nail marks and scratches covering his skin. Confusion and concern knitted her brows together as she realised she didn't have long nails.

Her stomach churned with unease as she quickly pulled the sheets up to her neck, covering herself. Hurriedly, she reached for her clothes from the previous day and dressed, her mind racing with questions. Did her husband cheat on her? Was he with someone else all this time?

Feeling disturbed and unsettled, Tanushree grabbed her phone and took a picture of his back, before shaking him awake. "Abhi... Abhimaan ji," she called out, her voice trembling with emotion.

He stirred and looked at her with sleepy eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked huskily, his voice thick with sleep.

Her heart pounding, Tanushree gathered her courage and pointed to the marks on his back. "There... there are marks on your back," she said, her tone serious.

Abhimaan's expression tensed as he processed her words, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. Sensing her growing agitation, he reached out to touch her hand gently. "Where were you all this time?" she asked, her voice tinged with anger and hurt.

In a serious tone, Abhimaan replied, "Mumbai."

Her heart sinking, Tanushree matched his seriousness with her own as she asked, "With whom?"

"None of your business, Tanu," he snapped, his voice cold and distant. "We are leaving in an hour. Get ready."

Feeling the weight of his words crushing her, Tanushree collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't comprehend the situation unraveling before her.

Moments later, Abhimaan emerged from the bathroom, only to find her still sitting on the bed, her tear-stained face a heartbreaking sight. Gritting his teeth, he reminded her, "I told you we would leave in an hour."

Unable to contain her turmoil any longer, Tanushree looked up at him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Did you cheat on me?" she asked, her eyes searching for any hint of the truth.

In a voice devoid of any emotion, Abhimaan replied, "No, I didn't. Now get ready, please." With that, he swiftly got into his previous day's suit and headed downstairs.

Feeling a mix of relief and lingering doubt, Tanushree dragged herself to the washroom and took a bath, trying to compose herself. She dressed in a maroon lehenga choli, her mind still clouded with questions.

As she descended the stairs, she found Abhimaan having breakfast with her parents. Silently, she took her place at the table, her heart heavy with unanswered questions, and had her breakfast without uttering a word.

After dropping Tanushree off at the penthouse, Abhimaan hurriedly left for work, leaving her feeling isolated once again in the luxurious yet empty space. She informed her parents that she had reached home safely, exchanging pleasantries with them before hanging up. Speaking with her in-laws for a while, she felt a sense of warmth and connection.

As the day wore on and boredom crept in, she decided to occupy herself by cooking, finding solace in the familiar routine. Yet, craving further distraction, she yearned to unleash her creativity through painting. However, to her dismay, she realised she lacked the necessary art supplies.

Turning to her phone, she swiftly ordered the required supplies online, using the card Abhimaan had given her for such purposes.

Abhimaan was working when he received a notification of the transaction. He smirked. Another gold digger. He thought.

Upon returning home, he found Tanushree curled up on the sofa, surrounded by scattered colours and brushes. Intrigued, he approached and observed the painting she had created—a serene depiction of a girl gazing at the night sky. The artwork exuded a sense of tranquillity, mirroring the peaceful aura of his wife as she rested.

Taking a seat across from her, Abhimaan couldn't help but admire Tanushree's beauty. He let out a sigh. The woman he called his wife was beautiful, if anything.

The next morning, Tanushree woke up to find Abhimaan sleeping on the couch opposite to hers. A soft smile graced her lips as she gazed at him, admiring the peaceful expression on his face.

Suddenly, Abhimaan's eyes fluttered open, and their gazes locked, as if they were peering into each other's souls.

Breaking the silence, Abhimaan spoke. "Pack your stuff, we are leaving for Shillong," he announced, already making his way up the stairs.

Surprised by the sudden announcement, Tanushree couldn't help but inquire, "But why?"

"Honeymoon ke liye, Jaan," Abhimaan replied with a playful wink.

Abhimaan descended the stairs, freshly dressed and ready for the day, only to find Tanushree still seated, her demeanour sombre. As he approached her, she spoke softly yet firmly.

"I will not go with you," she declared, her eyes fixed on the ground.

Surprised by her statement, Abhimaan furrowed his brow. "And why not? If I may ask," he inquired.

"I know... nothing about you," Tanushree began, her voice wavering slightly. "I feel like you only want to seek pleasure from me."

Abhimaan's brows furrowed at Tanushree's accusation, his eyes narrowing as he processed her words. "Isn't that fair? Aren't you with me only for my money as well?" he countered, his voice edged with bitterness.

Before he could fully grasp the weight of his words, he felt a sharp sting on his cheek. Startled, he recoiled, his hand instinctively moving to his face. Tanushree's slap resonated in the air, leaving a stunned silence in its wake.

"No, I am not with you for your money," Tanushree's voice rang out, her words laced with frustration and hurt. Without another glance at him, she turned on her heel and fled upstairs.

As Abhimaan ascended the stairs, his footsteps heavy with regret, he prepared himself to apologise to Tanushree. However, as he reached the top and entered their room, he was met with a sight that stunned him into silence.

Tanushree, her hair still damp from the shower, was hastily throwing clothes into her suitcase. Her movements were frantic.

"Where do you think you are going?" Abhimaan's voice was low, edged with anger as he pinned her against the nearest wall, his grip firm.

Tanushree met his gaze, her eyes ablaze with defiance and hurt. "I can't stay here anymore," she replied, her voice trembling slightly despite her resolve.


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Hare Krishna

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