Chapter 3

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Hare Krishna
Chapter 3

Dressed in a sharp, tailored black suit, Abhimaan descended the stairs with an air of confident elegance. His attire exuded sophistication, the top buttons of his shirt left open, hinting at a relaxed yet refined demeanour. His expression carried his signature poker face, a mask that concealed his emotions, revealing little of what lay beneath.

As he reached the foot of the stairs, he greeted Alka Rathore with a respectful, "Namaste dadi maa," leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheeks. His gestures, though formal, carried an underlying warmth, a subtle display of affection that he reserved for his family.

Alka beamed at him, her eyes reflecting both pride and affection. "Abhimaan, beta, namaste," she replied, reciprocating the gesture and patting his cheek with a tender affection that only a doting elder could offer.

Turning towards his mother, Sushma, Abhimaan repeated the same traditional greeting, pressing a kiss on her cheek. "Maa, namaste," he said, his voice holding a touch of familiarity and respect. Sushma's eyes twinkled with maternal pride as she reached out to adjust his suit, a simple yet heartwarming moment between a mother and her son.

Lastly, Abhimaan approached his younger sister, Hema, who awaited him with excitement. "Hey, little monster," he teased affectionately, leaning in to kiss her cheek. Hema giggled in response, her eyes gleaming with admiration for her elder brother.

The exchange of greetings was traditional, yet layered with familial connections that went beyond mere formalities. Abhimaan, with his reserved demeanour, exhibited a blend of respect, love, and a sense of duty toward his family, each gesture encapsulating a silent bond that tied them together.

As the family prepared for the day, the air filled with a sense of unity and shared moments, a reflection of the camaraderie that existed within the walls of the Rathore household. Abhimaan's composed exterior concealed the myriad emotions that danced beneath the surface, portraying a man of both strength and depth, committed to his responsibilities yet harbouring depths of sentiment that he kept carefully shielded from view.

Three months had passed since the tumultuous breakup with Sophia, yet the echoes of that chapter still reverberated within Abhimaan's heart. His emotions, veiled under a stoic facade, roiled with an unspoken turmoil that lay dormant, yet vivid beneath the surface.

"Abhimaan beta, promise me you won't say no," Alka Rathore's voice interrupted his thoughts, drawing his attention. He cautiously glanced around the room; all eyes were fixated on him, awaiting his response. His uncertainty surfaced as he hesitantly replied, "Okay..."

Alka, the matriarch of the Rathore family, continued, "I met a girl at the temple a few days ago. She's sweet, adorable. I liked her. So, I sent a marriage proposal to her family. They've accepted, but she wishes to meet you before proceeding. The final decision rests with you, but at least meet her."

His sister, sensing his reluctance, gently slid her phone across the table towards him. As the screen lit up, a picture emerged—a girl dressed in a pink and white ghagra choli, her smile pure and radiant as she tenderly caressed a baby cow. Abhimaan's breath caught in his chest, the world around him momentarily fading into obscurity as his eyes fixed on the innocence and warmth reflected in her smile.

His sister swiped the screen once more, revealing another image—a girl adorned in a yellow ghagra choli, standing amidst vast fields, her smile retaining that same captivating innocence. The simplicity and joy emanating from her expression struck a chord within Abhimaan's heart, creating a stirring he had not anticipated.

"W-what's her name?" His voice emerged, a tremor of surprise threading through his words. The family members exchanged glances, a silent exchange of anticipation filling the air. "Tanushree Sirvi, she's 22," his grandmother gently announced, her voice laced with a subtle hint of hope and expectation.

Abhimaan, entrenched in a tumult of emotions, grappled with the unexpected turn of events. The aura of innocence and sincerity radiating from the images of Tanushree Sirvi had struck a chord within him, evoking a realm of emotions he had barricaded within himself since his past relationship. As the reality of the situation sank in, an unforeseen sense of curiosity and intrigue blossomed within him, a tug-of-war between his guarded heart and an inexplicable pull towards this mysterious yet alluring prospect.

In the hushed ambiance of the Rathore household, Abhimaan Rathore, his voice dipped in a deep, controlled tone, addressed the impending meeting. "Okay," he stated, the single word carrying the weight of his acquiescence.

Alka, ever enthusiastic and optimistic, responded brightly, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. "Tomorrow, in the Shiv temple. She's coming to the city with her father," she announced, the excitement evident in her voice.

Abhimaan nodded in acknowledgement, his demeanor still guarded, yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. The announcement of the meeting, set to take place in the revered precincts of the Shiv temple, seemed to stir a blend of apprehension and a flicker of anticipation within him.

As the details of the imminent meeting settled within the family, an air of quiet expectation hovered in the room. The weight of the decision ahead and the significance of the meeting bore upon Abhimaan, who found himself grappling with a myriad of emotions—uncertainty, a subdued curiosity, and an unexpected fluttering of anticipation that stirred within him.

With a solemn nod, Abhimaan acknowledged the plan.

Tanushree sat in her cosy kitchen, the aroma of moong dal halwa filling the air as she stirred it gently on the kerosene stove. The pot emitted a soft, comforting sizzle as the mixture simmered. Beside it, another stove held a pan with sizzling ghee, where she was preparing the batter for Ghevar. Her eyes were focused on her cooking, each motion deliberate.

Her thoughts drifted to Abhimaan, and she couldn't help but smile as she recalled the pictures of him that she had seen on the Internet . She had decided to make something special for their first meeting, a token of her affection. The image of his smile and those kind, expressive eyes filled her mind, driving her determination to make everything perfect. 

As the moong dal halwa and Ghevar batter bubbled and sizzled, she stirred them with love, anticipating the moment when she could present her homemade treats to Abhimaan, a sweet gesture from her heart to him.

She smiled coyly to herself, anticipating his reaction. 

Abhimaan awoke the next morning, his anticipation for the upcoming meeting with the girl filling him with renewed energy. After a refreshing shower, he dressed in crisp white traditional attire, meticulously perfecting his look. As he prepared to check his phone, his excitement turned to shock and anger upon reading a notification from a tabloid. The headline blared, "Actress Sophia was spotted kissing a famous producer." His face darkened, and he couldn't contain his frustration. In a burst of anger, he punched the wall beside him. Just then, a knock at the door brought him back to reality.

"Sir, the car is ready," the butler informed him. Abhimaan took a deep breath, his fury slowly subsiding.

"I'll be down in a few minutes," he replied, determined to regain his composure for the day ahead, despite the news that boiled his blood.


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Radhe Radhe

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