Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Abhimaan gently caressed Tanushree's bareback, his fingers tracing the soft lines of her skin. The room was filled with a peaceful stillness after their passionate lovemaking. He glanced at the watch on the bedside table and noticed it was midnight. Pulling her close, he began dropping soft kisses along her back, trailing from her shoulders down to her waist.

“Happy two-month anniversary, darling,” he whispered against her skin, his voice low and affectionate.

Tanushree smiled, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. She turned to face him, raising herself slightly on her elbows. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned in and kissed his cheeks softly, her lips lingering. “You remembered?” she asked coyly, her voice filled with sweet surprise.

He nodded, his expression tender as he pulled her even closer, their bodies pressed against each other. Abhimaan buried his face in her neck, his lips grazing her skin as he began to nibble softly, sending shivers through her body.

“I could never forget,” he murmured between kisses, his breath warm against her neck.

Tanushree closed her eyes, her heart full. In that moment, all she felt was love—deep, intense, and overwhelming. She wrapped her arms around him, wanting to stay in that embrace forever.

Tanushree smiled to herself as she set out the plates for breakfast. Over the past few weeks, she had noticed a change in Abhimaan. He was making an effort, and she appreciated every bit of it. He had started bringing her flowers, kissing her goodbye before leaving for the office, spending time with her after work, and talking with both their families regularly. It made her feel cherished and loved.

As she placed the last plate on the counter, she suddenly felt two familiar hands wrap around her waist from behind, pulling her close. A smile tugged at her lips.

"Good morning, Tanu," came the deep, husky voice of her husband, Abhimaan. He kissed her exposed shoulder softly, sending warmth through her body. She was wearing a maroon lehenga choli, and his touch felt gentle yet possessive, making her heart flutter.

She turned her head slightly to meet his gaze, her smile widening. "Good morning," she whispered back, feeling his breath against her skin.

Every little moment like this felt like a step forward.

At the breakfast table, Abhimaan took a bite of the aloo paratha, savouring the flavour before speaking. “We have to attend a business party tomorrow. I’ll introduce you to my friend there,” he said casually.

Tanushree nodded, reaching for her tea when Abhimaan handed her his sleek black card. “Get yourself an evening gown or dress for the event,” he instructed.

She hesitated for a moment before looking up at him. “Umm, could I just wear a saree? I don’t feel comfortable in dresses,” she said, her voice soft but steady.

Abhimaan paused, staring at her briefly, before his expression softened. “Of course. Whatever you’re comfortable in,” he said, offering a reassuring smile.

She smiled back, grateful for his understanding. As they continued eating, he cleared his throat and added, “By the way, I’ve enrolled you in an open university. Your classes start next month.”

Tanushree’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked up from her plate. “You did that?” she asked, her voice filled with disbelief and gratitude.

He nodded, looking at her calmly. “Yeah. You mentioned wanting to pursue higher education during our courtship. I remembered.”

Without thinking, she got up from her chair and rushed to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “Thank you, Abhimaan. This means so much to me,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion, tears brimming in her eyes.

Abhimaan hugged her back, his hand gently resting on her head. “You’re my wife, Tanushree. You’re my responsibility. This is nothing,” he said softly, kissing her forehead tenderly.

They sat back down to finish breakfast, but just as Tanushree took a bite, a wave of nausea hit her. She quickly covered her mouth with her palm and stood up, rushing to the nearest washroom. Abhimaan followed close behind, his heart pounding with worry.

Bending over the toilet bowl, she began to throw up. Abhimaan knelt beside her, gently holding her hair back and rubbing her back to comfort her. “It’s okay, I’m right here,” he said softly, concern etched in his voice.

After a few minutes, she slumped back, exhausted and pale.

He handed her a glass of water. “Here, rinse your mouth.”

She took small sips, her hand trembling slightly. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I felt fine earlier,” she said, her voice weak.

Abhimaan studied her face with worry. “When was the last time you ate properly?” he asked, brushing a loose strand of hair away from her face.

“Yesterday. But I didn’t feel this bad then,” she murmured, pressing a hand to her stomach.

He frowned. “Have you been feeling tired lately? Any dizziness or nausea before this?”

She thought for a moment. “I’ve been a little tired... but I just thought it was because of the travel.”

Abhimaan’s gaze sharpened as he helped her up. “Are you taking your contraceptive pills daily?” he asked, his voice steady but firm. 

Tanushree froze, her heart racing. The realisation hit her—she had forgotten to take the pills during their trip to Shillong. But panic took over, and she quickly nodded, lying. “Yes, I’ve been taking them.”

Abhimaan studied her for a moment, as if trying to read her. Then he gave a curt nod. “Hmm. Come, we’re going to the doctor,” he said, leaving no room for negotiation. 

She shook her head, trying to sound convincing. “I’m fine, really. It’s probably just exhaustion from the trip and everything,” she insisted, brushing off his concern.

His jaw tightened. “Tanushree,” he said in a low, warning tone, “I’m not taking chances with your health.”

“I promise, Maan. It’s nothing serious,” she whispered, avoiding his eyes.

He exhaled slowly, clearly not convinced but choosing not to push further, at least for now. “Fine,” he said reluctantly. “But if it happens again, no arguments—we’re going straight to the doctor.”

Tanushree nodded, giving him a small, reassuring smile. "Okay, I promise."

Abhimaan held her gaze a second longer, then gently kissed her forehead. “Go rest. I’ll be in the study if you need anything.”

She nodded and watched him leave, her heart heavy with guilt.


It's going to get intense now...

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